To start live preview:
- Run
yarn dev
in this directory. - Open http://localhost:4321/. All changes in this directory will be rendered on save.
To publish to GitHub Pages (
- Commit and push this repo to GitHub. The rest will be done automatically by a GitHub action.
- site generation is not necessary
- Check publication status here.
To publish to UChicago (
- Generate site:
yarn build
- Connect to UChicago VPN via Cisco AnyConnect.
- Transfer files:
scp -r dist/* [email protected]:public_html
(password is in Bitwarden) - (Only if new files have been added) SSH into server and update file permissions:
ssh [email protected]
chmod og+rx -R ~/public_html/
src/pages/: pages (markdown) and layouts
- (homepage content)
- _index.astro (homepage layout)
- _page.astro (layout for a simple markdown page with a link to return to homepage)
src/styles/: stylesheets
public/: images and files
- all the triangles are done in CSS ::before and ::after
- responsive design using utopia clamps
- ! the 404 file doesn’t work!