A Go library for setting unset flags from environment variables.
Here's an example of a small command line tool called 'scanner' with a flag which can be set on the command line or from the environment. Set flags are not overwritten.
package main
import (
const (
func main() {
v := flag.Int("powerlevel", 0, "power level")
err := overridefromenv.Override(flag.CommandLine, PREFIX)
if err != nil {
fmt.Printf("Power level: %v\n", *v)
Then, from the command line:
$ scanner
Power level: 0
$ scanner
Power level: 1000
$ scanner -powerlevel 9000
Power level: 9000
$ SCANNER_POWERLEVEL="One hundred puppies."
$ scanner
Unable to set flag powerlevel from environment variable SCANNER_POWERLEVEL, which has a value of "One hundred puppies.": parse error