Oil-Particle-Aggregate module (OPAMOD)
Courtney K Harris [email protected] Linlin Cui [email protected] Virginia Institute of Marine Science 09/12/2019
OPAMOD is based on an existing, population dynamics-based flocculation model (FLOCMOD) in ROMS to account for the formation of OPAs. It was coupled with an oil plume model (https://github.com/DmitryDukh/COAWST-ROMS-OIL, July 31, 2019) to retrieve oil properties from Eulerian coordinates.
The main part of OPAMOD are two subroutines in ROMS/Nonlinear/Sediment: -sed_opa.F -sedopa_mod.h
At this time, trunk is not updated to the latest version of Dmitry's oil model (as Septempber 4, 2019).