An app to track your finances and check if you are spending within your budget.
This project use lot's of tools to be as efficient as possible, here's the list with the links that you need to learn more about them.
- husky to run commands before commit
- lint-staged to lint and format modified files before commit
- editorconfig to help with linting
- typescript to enforce type check and be easier to write self explanatory code
- eslint find and fix problems in the code
- prettier beautify code
- localstack to simulate AWS environment locally
- docker & docker-compose to orchestrate (to "run") the api, database, localstack and all the heavy-external tools that we need to make the project work
- nestjs framework to help with dependency injection and make the code more readable
- github actions to run pipelines to deploy and validate things
- prisma to document the database, generate the migrations, and communicate with the database (project's ORM)
- dbdocs to host the database docs
- openapi to document the API routes
- We don't document the API using the code to don't bind us to any library or framework, this way we can be more tool agnostic and use the default way to document APIs: OpenAPI
- redocly to host the API docs
Command | Description |
start:dev |
Run the project with all it's dependencies locally |
openapi:serve |
Serve the API docs locally so you can validate your changes |
openapi:postman |
Generate Postman json file (at openapi/postman.json ) |
lint:prisma |
Lint prisma schema |
db:prisma |
Update the ORM types (You need to run this every time that you change prisma/schema.prisma ) |
test |
Run tests |
test:cov |
Run tests and collect coverage |
db:migrate |
Run the migrations |
db:gen-migration <name> |
Generates a new migration based on the schema-database difference (you must run start:dev and db:migrate before run this!) |
- Run
yarn start:db
- In another tab, run
yarn db:gen-migration <migration name>
The teams names are based on different currencies around the world, but the countries that they are used don't have any influence on the things that the teams works on.
Team | Responsible for | Full list |
Real | Auth | Accounts, SignInProvider, MagicLink, RefreshToken, TermsAndPolicies |
Franc | Profile | Configs, Salary |
Yuan | Transactions | Transactions, Recurrent transactions |
Peso | Cards | Cards, Card Providers, Cards Bills |
Rand | Bank Accounts | Bank Accounts, Bank Providers, Subscriptions |
Rupee | Budgets | Budgets, Categories |
The following documentation is to help you to understand the development process of every feature. It's a general documentation that should cover everything in the feature creation process, not all steps are required for every feature, so make sure to only follow the ones that your context needs.
The documentation is trying to achieve: 1 step = 1 task = 1 PR.
This phase is the most important one, here we define exactly what we want to develop and how we are gonna to develop it.
All the changes, validations, usecases, flows, conditions, etc must be defined and documented here.
Description | Assigners |
Create a Story describing what we want to achieve | PRODUCT OWNER |
Architect a technical solution to achieve our goal and create tasks to document the API and Database changes
After this step, a estimation of time to develop this should be delivered to the PRODUCT OWNER, so he can decide if when this story should be done. |
Create a new branch for the story, following the pattern story/[story-id] ,
All the next steps must be done in branches derived from this branch, following the patter task/[task-id] .
Update the database docs in ./prisma/schema.prisma and write the tasks to apply these changes on the code
Update the API docs in ./openapi/* and write the tasks to apply these changes on the code
This phase is were we convert the documentation to code and make everything works.
Description | Assigners |
If we need to use any external libraries, create an adapter in ./src/adapters/*.ts to wrap it and make it easier to change this dependency.
Create or update the related entity models in ./src/models/*.ts
Create or update the related entity repository in ./src/repositories/**/*-repository.{module,service}.ts following the entity's module specification
Obs: Remember to also write the unitary tests. |
Create or update the related entity usecase in ./src/usecases/**/*.{module,service}.ts following the entity's module specification
Obs1: Remember to also add the usecase's module to the imports list of ./src/app.module.ts .
Obs2: Remember to also write the unitary tests. |
Update the related entity controller in ./src/delivery/*.controller
Obs1: Remember to also add this controller to the usecase's module. Obs2: Remember to also write the unitary tests. |