dddb is lightweight and simple key-value dlang database (store) build on top of std.json
import std.stdio;
import dddb;
void main()
// open a connection to database
auto db = new ddb("test.db");
// set value to specific key
db.set("hello", "world"); // true
// read the value of the specific key
writeln(db.get("hello")); // world
writeln(db.remove("hello")); // true
writeln(db.get("hello")); // Error: key not exists
// save to database
db.commit(); // True
- SET key value → Set the value of a str key |→ Return Boolean
- GET key → Get the value of a key |→ Return String
- GETKEYS → Return all values from database |→ Return Array
- HAVEVALUE key VALUE → Determine if the value exists in the given key |→ Return Boolean
- HAVEKEY key → Determine if the key exists |→ Return Boolean
- REMOVE key → Remove the key from database |→ Return Boolean
- COUNTKEYS → Return the length of keys |→ Return Integer
- GETSIZE → Return the size of database (bytes) |→ Return Integer
- DROP → Delete everything from the database |→ Return Boolean