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Reference List of Math Autocorrect Entries in MS Word 365 (Categorized)

Brian Richwine edited this page Jan 21, 2025 · 3 revisions

Note: There is a version of this information organized alphabetically by AutoCorrect keyword: Reference List Math Autocorrect Entries in MS Word 365 (Alphabetical)

Table of Contents

  1. Math AutoComplete Codes
  2. Math AutoReplace Shortcuts
  3. Math Fonts AutoCorrect Codes

Math AutoComplete Codes

Greek Letters

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
Greek cap alpha \Alpha Α U+0391 ordinary operand
Greek small alpha \alpha α U+03B1 ordinary operand
Greek cap beta \Beta Β U+0392 ordinary operand
Greek small beta \beta β U+03B2 ordinary operand
Greek cap chi \Chi X U+0058 ordinary operand
Greek small chi \chi χ U+03C7 ordinary operand
Greek cap delta \Delta Δ U+0394 ordinary operand
Greek small delta \delta δ U+03B4 ordinary operand
Greek cap epsilon \Epsilon Ε U+0395 ordinary operand
Greek lunate epsilon \epsilon ϵ U+03F5 ordinary operand
Greek small epsilon (varient) \varepsilon ε U+03B5 ordinary operand
Greek cap eta \Eta Η U+0397 ordinary operand
Greek small eta \eta η U+03B7 ordinary operand
Greek cap Gamma \Gamma Γ U+0393 ordinary operand
Greek small gamma \gamma γ U+03B3 ordinary operand
Greek cap iota \Iota Ι U+0399 ordinary operand
Greek small iota \iota ι U+03B9 ordinary operand
Greek cap kappa \Kappa Κ U+039A ordinary operand
Greek small kappa \kappa κ U+03BA ordinary operand
Greek cap lambda \Lambda Λ U+039B ordinary operand
Greek small lambda \lambda λ U+03BB ordinary operand
Greek cap mu \Mu Μ U+039C ordinary operand
Greek small mu \mu μ U+03BC ordinary operand
Greek cap nu \Nu Ν U+039D ordinary operand
Greek small nu \nu ν U+03BD ordinary operand
Greek small omicron \o ο U+03BF ordinary operand
Greek cap omega \Omega Ω U+03A9 ordinary operand
Greek small omega \omega ω U+03C9 ordinary operand
Greek cap phi \Phi Φ U+03A6 ordinary operand
Greek small phi \phi ϕ U+03D5 ordinary operand
Greek small phi (varient) \varphi φ U+03C6 ordinary operand
Greek cap pi \Pi Π U+03A0 ordinary operand
Greek small pi \pi π U+03C0 ordinary operand
Greek pi (varient) \varpi ϖ U+03D6 ordinary operand
Greek cap psi \Psi Ψ U+03A8 ordinary operand
Greek small psi \psi ψ U+03C8 ordinary operand
Greek cap rho \Rho Ρ U+03A1 ordinary operand
Greek small rho \rho ρ U+03C1 ordinary operand
Greek rho (varient) \varrho ϱ U+03F1 ordinary operand
Greek cap sigma \Sigma Σ U+03A3 ordinary operand
Greek sigma \sigma σ U+03C3 ordinary operand
Greek small final sigma (varient) \varsigma ς U+03C2 ordinary operand
Greek cap tau \Tau Τ U+03A4 ordinary operand
Greek small tau \tau τ U+03C4 ordinary operand
Greek cap theta \Theta Θ U+0398 ordinary operand
Greek small theta \theta θ U+03B8 ordinary operand
Greek theta (varient) \vartheta ϑ U+03D1 ordinary operand
Greek cap upsilon \Upsilon Υ U+03A5 ordinary operand
Greek small upsilon \upsilon υ U+03C5 ordinary operand
Greek cap xi \Xi Ξ U+039E ordinary operand
Greek small xi \xi ξ U+03BE ordinary operand
Greek small zeta \zeta ζ U+03B6 ordinary operand

Basic Arithmetic Operators

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
times \ast U+2217 binary normal
dot operator \cdot U+22C5 binary normal
division sign \div ÷ U+00F7 binary normal
minus or plus sign \mp U+2213 unary/binary unary/binary
plus minus sign \pm ± U+00B1 unary/binary unary/binary
multiplication sign \times × U+00D7 binarynsp normal

Division and Fractions

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
broken bar \atop ¦ U+00A6 ordinary divide
division slash \ldiv U+2215 binary divide
division slash \ldivide U+2215
circled slash \ndiv U+2298 binary divide
forward slash (Solidus) \over / U+002F binarynsp divide
divided by \sdiv U+2044 binarynsp divide
divided by \sdivide U+2044

Advanced Operators and Functions

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
coproduct \amalg U+2210 ordinary nary
composed with \circ U+2218 binary normal
integral \int U+222B ordinary nary
double integral \iint U+222C ordinary nary
triple integral \iiint U+222D ordinary nary
quadruple integral \iiiint U+2A0C ordinary nary
contour integral \oint U+222E ordinary nary
surface integral \oiint U+222F ordinary nary
volume integral \oiiint U+2230 ordinary nary
clockwise contour integral \coint U+2232 ordinary nary
anticlockwise contour integral \aoint U+2233 ordinary nary
N-ary product \prod U+220F ordinary nary
N-ary summation \sum U+2211 ordinary nary
N-ary coproduct \coprod U+2210
partial derivative \partial U+2202 unary operand
increment \inc U+2206 unary operand
nabla (gradient) \nabla U+2207 unary operand
square root \sqrt U+221A open encl root
cube root \cbrt U+221B open encl root
fourth root \qdrt U+221C open encl root

Set Theory and Logic

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
empty set \emptyset U+2205 unary operand
element of \in U+2208 relational normal
not an element of \notin U+2209 relational normal
contains the member \ni U+220B relational normal
does not contain as member \notcontain U+220C relational normal
subset of \subset U+2282 relational normal
superset of \superset U+2283 relational normal
subset of or equal to \subseteq U+2286 relational normal
superset of or equal to \superseteq U+2287 relational normal
intersection \cap U+2229 binary normal
union \cup U+222A binary normal
set minus \setminus U+2216 binary normal
for all \forall U+2200 unary normal
there exists \exists U+2203 unary normal
logical and \wedge U+2227 binary normal
logical or \vee U+2228 binary normal
logical not \neg ¬ U+00AC unary normal
up tack / false \bot U+22A5 relational normal
down tack / true \top U+22A4 relational normal
proves \vdash U+22A2 relational stretch horz
models \models U+22A8 relational stretch horz
intersection \bigcap U+22C2 ordinary nary
union \bigcup U+22C2 ordinary nary
square union operator \bigsqcup U+2A06 ordinary nary
union operator with plus \biguplus U+2A04 ordinary nary
square cap \sqcap U+2293 binary normal
square cup \sqcup U+2294 binary normal
square image of or equal to \sqsubseteq U+2291 relational normal
square original of or equal to \sqsuperseteq U+2292 relational normal
multiset union \uplus U+228E binary normal
logical or \bigvee U+22C1 ordinary nary
logical and \bigwedge U+22C0 ordinary nary
does not yield \dashv U+22A3 relational stretch horz

Relations and Comparisons

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
approximately equal \approx U+2248 relational normal
equivalent to \asymp U+224D relational normal
approximately equal to \cong U+2245 relational normal
approaches the limit \doteq U+2250 relational normal
identical to \equiv U+2261 relational normal
greater than or equal \ge U+2265 relational normal
greater than or equal \geq U+2265 relational normal
much greater than \gg U+226B relational normal
less than or equal \le U+2264 relational normal
less than or equal \leq U+2264 relational normal
much less than \ll U+226A relational normal
not equal \ne U+2260 relational normal
not equal \neq U+2260 relational normal
proportional to \propto U+221D relational normal
varies with \sim U+223C relational normal
asymptotically equal to \simeq U+2243 relational normal
because \because U+2235 relational normal
therefore \therefore U+2234 relational normal

Geometric and Measurement

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
angle \angle U+2220 relational normal
parallel to \parallel U+2225 relational normal
perpendicular \perp U+22A5
degree sign \degree ° U+00B0 ordinary operand
degrees celcius \degc U+2103
degrees fahrenheit \degf U+2109

Arrows and Directional

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
downwards arrow \downarrow U+2193 relational normal
downwards double arrow \Downarrow U+21D3 relational normal
leftwards arrow \gets U+2190 ordinary stretch horiz
leftwards arrow with hook \hookleftarrow U+21A9 relational stretch horiz
rightwards arrow with hook \hookrightarrow U+21AA relational stretch horiz
leftwards arrow \leftarrow U+2190 relational stretch horiz
leftwards double arrow \Leftarrow U+21D0 relational stretch horiz
left harpoon down \leftharpoondown U+21BD relational stretch horiz
left harpoon up \leftharpoonup U+21BC relational stretch horiz
left right arrow \leftrightarrow U+2194 relational stretch horiz
left right double arrow \Leftrightarrow U+21D4 relational stretch horiz
long leftwards arrow \longleftarrow U+27F5 relational normal
long leftwards double arrow \Longleftarrow U+27F8 relational normal
long left right arrow \longleftrightarrow U+27F7 relational normal
long left right double arrow \Longleftrightarrow U+27FA relational normal
long rightwards arrow \longrightarrow U+27F6 relational normal
long rightwards double arrow \Longrightarrow U+27F9 relational normal
rightwards arrow from bar \mapsto U+21A6 relational stretch horiz
north east arrow \nearrow U+2197 relational normal
north west arrow \nwarrow U+2196 relational normal
rightwards arrow \rightarrow U+2192 relational stretch horiz
rightwards double arrow \Rightarrow U+21D2 relational stretch horiz
right harpoon down \rightharpoondown U+21C1 relational stretch horiz
right harpoon up \rightharpoonup U+21C0 relational stretch horiz
south west arrow \searrow U+2198 relational normal
south west arrow \swarrow U+2199 relational normal
rightwards arrow \to U+2192 relational stretch horiz
upwards arrow \uparrow U+2191 relational normal
upwards double arrow \Uparrow U+21D1 relational normal
up down arrow \updownarrow U+2195 relational normal
up down double arrow \Updownarrow U+21D5 relational normal
arrow pointing downwards the curving leftwards \break U+2936
downwards black arrow \dsmash U+2B07 ordinary encl phantom
left right white arrow \hphantom U+2B04 ordinary encl phantom
left right black arrow \hsmash U+2B0C ordinary encl phantom
left harpoon over right harpoon \lrhar U+21CB
up down black arrow \smash U+2B0D ordinary encl phantom
up down white arrow \vphantom U+21F3 relational encl phantom

Delimiters and Brackets

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
begin n-ary operand \begin U+3016 open open
left angle bracket \bra U+27E8 open open
close delimiter without matching open \close U+2524 ordinary close
end n-ary operand \end U+3017 close close
right angle bracket \ket U+27E9 close close
left angle bracket \langle U+27E8 open open
left curly bracket \lbrace { U+007B open open
left square bracket \lbrack [ U+005B open open
left ceiling \lceil U+2308 open open
open delimiter without matching close \left U+251C
right angle bracket \rangle U+27E9 close close
left floor \lfloor U+230A open open
upper left or lower right curly bracket section \lmoust U+23B0
double vertical line \norm U+2016 ordinary open/close
open delimiter without matching close \open U+251C ordinary open
right double angle bracket \Rangle U+27EB close close
right double bracket \Rbrack U+27E7 close close
right floor \rfloor U+230B close close
upper right or lower left curly bracket section \rmoust U+23B1
double vertical line \Vert U+2016 ordinary open/close
vertical line \vert U+007C ordinary
Box drawing: light vertical \vbar U+2502 ordinary list delims

Matrix and Array Structures

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
black square \eqarray U+2588 ordinary encl eqarray
black square \matrix U+25A0 ordinary encl matrix
matrix in parentheses \pmatrix U+24A8
matrix in double vertical lines \Vmatrix U+24A9


Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
horizontal ellipsis \dots U+2026 ordinary normal
horizontally centered ellipsis \cdots U+22EF ordinary normal
vertical ellipsis \vdots U+22EE relational normal
diagonal ellipsis \ddots U+22F1 relational normal

Prime Marks

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
quadruple prime \pppprime U+2057 ordinary Unisubsup
triple prime \ppprime U+2034 ordinary Unisubsup
double prime \pprime U+2033 ordinary Unisubsup
prime \prime U+2032 ordinary Unisubsup

Special Symbols and Constants

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
infinity \infty U+221E ordinary operand
Planck constant over two Pi \hbar U+210F ordinary operand
first transfinite cardinal \aleph U+2135 ordinary operand
second transfinite cardinal \beth U+2136 ordinary operand
third transfinite cardinal \gimel U+2137 ordinary operand
fourth transfinite cardinal \daleth U+2138 ordinary operand
black-letter capital i \Im U+2111 ordinary operand
black-letter capital r \Re U+211C ordinary operand
script small l \ell U+2113 ordinary operand
script cap p \wp U+2118 ordinary operand
second transfinite cardinal \bet U+2136
fourth transfinite cardinal \dalet U+2138
double-struck italic cap d \Dd U+2145 differential operand
double-struck italic small d \dd U+2146 differential operand
double-struck italic small e \ee U+2147 ordinary operand
Greek cap Gamma \G Γ U+0393 ordinary operand
double-struck italic small i \ii U+2148 ordinary operand
Latin small dotless i \imath ı U+0131 ordinary operand
invisible times \itimes U+2062
double-struck italic small j \jj U+2149 ordinary operand
Latin small dotless j \jmath ȷ U+0237 ordinary operand

Accents, Diacritical Marks, Over and Under Decorations

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
combining double overline \Bar U+033F ordinary accent
combining overline accent \bar U+0305 ordinary accent
combining breve accent \breve U+0306 ordinary accent
combining caron accent \check U+030C ordinary accent
combining four dots above accent \ddddot U+20DC ordinary accent
combining three dots above accent \dddot U+20DB ordinary accent
combining two dots above accent \ddot U+0308 ordinary accent
combining dot above accent \dot U+0307 ordinary accent
combining grave accent \grave U+0300 ordinary accent
combining circumflex accent \hat U+0302 ordinary accent
combining left harpoon up above accent \lhvec U+20D0
combining left arrow above accent \lvec U+20D6
combining right harpoon above accent \rhvec U+20D1
combining tilde accent \tilde U+0303 ordinary accent
combining left-right arrow above accent \tvec U+20E1 ordinary accent
combining double low line \Ubar ̳ U+0333
combining low line \ubar ̲ U+0332
combining right arrow above accent \vec U+20D7 ordinary accent
overbar \overbar ¯ U+00AF ordinary encl overbar
top brace \overbrace U+23DE ordinary stretch over
top square bracket \overbracket U+23B4
overbar \overline ¯ U+00AF
top paren \overparen U+23DC ordinary stretch over
top tortise shell bracket \overshell U+23E0
lower one eighth block \underbar U+2581 ordinary encl un-derbar
bottom brace \underbrace U+23DF ordinary stretch under
white parallelogram \underline U+25B1
bottom paren \underparen U+23DD ordinary stretch under

Special Functions and Operators

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
function application \funcapply U+2061 binary subsupFA
"function of, root of" \of U+2592 ordinary normal
root (use with \of) \root U+24AD
wreath product \wr U+2240 binary normal

Box and Circle Operators

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
abstract box \box U+25A1 ordinary encl box
squared dot \boxdot U+22A1
squared minus \boxminus U+229F
squared plus \boxplus U+229E
circled dot operator \bigodot U+2A00 ordinary nary
circled plus operator \bigoplus U+2A01 ordinary nary
circled times operator \bigotimes U+2A02 ordinary nary
circled minus \ominus U+2296 binary normal
circled plus \oplus U+2295 binary normal
circled slash \oslash U+2298 binary normal
circled times \otimes U+2297 binary normal

Decorative and Miscellaneous

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
bullet operator \bullet U+2219 binary normal
diamond operator \diamond U+22C4 binary normal
star operator \star U+22C6 binary normal
white diamond suit \diamondsuit U+2662 ordinary normal
black club suit \clubsuit U+2663 ordinary normal
white heart suit \heartsuit U+2661 ordinary normal
black spade suit \spadesuit U+2660 ordinary normal
block character medium shade \naryand U+2592 ordinary normal
number sign \eqno # U+0023 ordinary marker
treat following as separator \middle U+24DC
white concave sided diamond \phantom U+27E1 ordinary encl phantom
enclose expression (box) \rect U+25AD ordinary encl rect
white square with rounded corners \rrect U+25A2 ordinary encl rnd rect

Spacing and Layout

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
em space (18/18 em) \emsp U+2003 skip normal
en space (9/18 em) \ensp U+2002 skip normal
hair space (1/18 em) \hairsp U+200A skip normal
medium space (4/18 em) \medsp U+205F ordinary normal
non-breaking space \nbsp U+00A0 skip normal
four-per-em space (5/18 em) \thicksp U+2005 skip normal
six-per-em space (3/18 em) \thinsp U+2006 skip normal
three-per-em space (6/18 em) \vthicksp U+2004 skip normal
zero width non-joiner \zwnj U+200C ordinary normal
zero width space (0 em) \zwsp U+200B ordinary normal

Math AutoReplace Shortcuts

Description Math AutoReplace Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
minus plus sign -+ U+2213 unary/binary replacement
rightwards arrow -> U+2192 relational replacement
proportion :: U+2237 relational replacement
colon equals := U+2254 relational replacement
double exclamation mark !! U+203C replacement
horizontal ellipsis ... U+2026 replacement
plus minus sign +- ± U+00B1 replacement
much less than << U+226A relational replacement
less than or equal <= U+2264 relational replacement
greater than or equal >= U+2265 relational replacement
much greater than >> U+226B relational replacement
approximately equal to ~= U+2245 relational replacement

Math Fonts AutoCorrect Codes

Description Math AutoCorrect Glyph Code Spacing LF Property
double script cap a \doubleA 𝔸 U+1D538
double script small a \doublea 𝕒 U+1D552
double script cap b \doubleB 𝔹 U+1D539
double script small b \doubleb 𝕓 U+1D553
double script cap c \doublec 𝕔 U+1D554
double script small c \doubleC U+2102
double script cap d \doubleD 𝔻 U+1D53B
double script small d \doubled 𝕕 U+1D555
double script cap e \doubleE 𝔼 U+1D53C
double script small e \doublee 𝕖 U+1D556
double script cap f \doubleF 𝔽 U+1D53D
double script small f \doublef 𝕗 U+1D557
double script cap g \doubleG 𝔾 U+1D53E
double script small g \doubleg 𝕘 U+1D558
double script cap h \doubleh 𝕙 U+1D559
double script small h \doubleH U+210D
double script cap i \doubleI 𝕀 U+1D540
double script small i \doublei 𝕚 U+1D55A
double script cap j \doubleJ 𝕁 U+1D541
double script small j \doublej 𝕛 U+1D55B
double script cap k \doubleK 𝕂 U+1D542
double script small k \doublek 𝕜 U+1D55C
double script cap l \doubleL 𝕃 U+1D543
double script small l \doublel 𝕝 U+1D55D
double script cap m \doubleM 𝕄 U+1D544
double script small m \doublem 𝕞 U+1D55E
double script cap n \doublen 𝕟 U+1D55F
double script small n \doubleN U+2115
double script cap o \doubleO 𝕆 U+1D546
double script small o \doubleo 𝕠 U+1D560
double script cap p \doublep 𝕡 U+1D561
double script small p \doubleP U+2119
double script cap q \doubleq 𝕢 U+1D562
double script small q \doubleQ U+211A
double script cap r \doubler 𝕣 U+1D563
double script small r \doubleR U+211D
double script cap s \doubleS 𝕊 U+1D54A
double script small s \doubles 𝕤 U+1D564
double script cap t \doubleT 𝕋 U+1D54B
double script small t \doublet 𝕥 U+1D565
double script cap u \doubleU 𝕌 U+1D54C
double script small u \doubleu 𝕦 U+1D566
double script cap v \doubleV 𝕍 U+1D54D
double script small v \doublev 𝕧 U+1D567
double script cap w \doubleW 𝕎 U+1D54E
double script small w \doublew 𝕨 U+1D568
double script cap x \doubleX 𝕏 U+1D54F
double script small x \doublex 𝕩 U+1D569
double script cap y \doubleY 𝕐 U+1D550
double script small y \doubley 𝕪 U+1D56A
double script cap z \doublez 𝕫 U+1D56B
double script small z \doubleZ U+2124
bold Fraktur cap a \frakturA 𝔄 U+1D51E
bold Fraktur small a \fraktura 𝔞 U+1D538
bold Fraktur cap b \frakturB 𝔅 U+1D51F
bold Fraktur small b \frakturb 𝔟 U+1D539
bold Fraktur small c \frakturc 𝔠 U+1D53A
bold Fraktur cap c \frakturC U+8493
bold Fraktur cap d \frakturD 𝔇 U+1D521
bold Fraktur small d \frakturd 𝔡 U+1D53B
bold Fraktur cap e \frakturE 𝔈 U+1D522
bold Fraktur small e \frakture 𝔢 U+1D53C
bold Fraktur cap f \frakturF 𝔉 U+1D523
bold Fraktur small f \frakturf 𝔣 U+1D53D
bold Fraktur cap g \frakturG 𝔊 U+1D524
bold Fraktur small g \frakturg 𝔤 U+1D53E
bold Fraktur small h \frakturh 𝔥 U+1D53F
bold Fraktur cap h \frakturH U+8460
bold Fraktur small i \frakturi 𝔦 U+1D540
bold Fraktur cap i \frakturI U+8465
bold Fraktur cap j \frakturJ 𝔍 U+1D527
bold Fraktur small j \frakturj 𝔧 U+1D541
bold Fraktur cap k \frakturK 𝔎 U+1D528
bold Fraktur small k \frakturk 𝔨 U+1D542
bold Fraktur cap l \frakturL 𝔏 U+1D529
bold Fraktur small l \frakturl 𝔩 U+1D543
bold Fraktur cap m \frakturM 𝔐 U+1D52A
bold Fraktur small m \frakturm 𝔪 U+1D544
bold Fraktur cap n \frakturN 𝔑 U+1D52B
bold Fraktur small n \frakturn 𝔫 U+1D545
bold Fraktur cap o \frakturO 𝔒 U+1D52C
bold Fraktur small o \frakturo 𝔬 U+1D546
bold Fraktur cap p \frakturP 𝔓 U+1D52D
bold Fraktur small p \frakturp 𝔭 U+1D547
bold Fraktur cap q \frakturQ 𝔔 U+1D52E
bold Fraktur small q \frakturq 𝔮 U+1D548
bold Fraktur small r \frakturr 𝔯 U+1D549
bold Fraktur cap r \frakturR U+8465
bold Fraktur cap s \frakturS 𝔖 U+1D530
bold Fraktur small s \frakturs 𝔰 U+1D54A
bold Fraktur cap t \frakturT 𝔗 U+1D531
bold Fraktur small t \frakturt 𝔱 U+1D54B
bold Fraktur cap u \frakturU 𝔘 U+1D532
bold Fraktur small u \frakturu 𝔲 U+1D54C
bold Fraktur cap v \frakturV 𝔙 U+1D533
bold Fraktur small v \frakturv 𝔳 U+1D54D
bold Fraktur cap w \frakturW 𝔚 U+1D534
bold Fraktur small w \frakturw 𝔴 U+1D54E
bold Fraktur cap x \frakturX 𝔛 U+1D535
bold Fraktur small x \frakturx 𝔵 U+1D54F
bold Fraktur cap y \frakturY 𝔜 U+1D536
bold Fraktur small y \fraktury 𝔶 U+1D550
bold Fraktur cap z \frakturZ U+1D537
bold Fraktur small z \frakturz 𝔷 U+1D551
script cap a \scriptA 𝒜 U+1D49C
script small a \scripta 𝒶 U+1D4B6
script cap b \scriptb 𝒷 U+1D4B7
script small b \scriptB U+212C
script cap c \scriptC 𝒞 U+1D49E
script small c \scriptc 𝒸 U+1D4B8
script cap d \scriptD 𝒟 U+1D49F
script small d \scriptd 𝒹 U+1D4B9
script cap e \scripte U+212F
script small e \scriptE U+2130
script cap f \scriptf 𝒻 U+1D4BB
script small f \scriptF U+2131
script cap g \scriptG 𝒢 U+1D4A2
script small g \scriptg U+210A
script cap h \scripth 𝒽 U+1D4BD
script small h \scriptH U+210B
script cap i \scripti 𝒾 U+1D4BE
script small i \scriptI U+2110
script cap j \scriptJ 𝒥 U+1D4A5
script small j \scriptj 𝒿 U+1D4BF
script cap k \scriptK 𝒦 U+1D4A6
script small k \scriptk 𝓀 U+1D4C0
script cap l \scriptL U+1D4A7
script small l \scriptl 𝓁 U+1D4C1
script cap m \scriptM U+1D4A8
script small m \scriptm 𝓂 U+1D4C2
script cap n \scriptN 𝒩 U+1D4A9
script small n \scriptn 𝓃 U+1D4C3
script cap o \scriptO 𝒪 U+1D4AA
script small o \scripto U+2134
script cap p \scriptP 𝒫 U+1D4AB
script small p \scriptp 𝓅 U+1D4C5
script cap q \scriptQ 𝒬 U+1D4AC
script small q \scriptq 𝓆 U+1D4C6
script cap r \scriptr 𝓇 U+1D4C7
script small r \scriptR U+211B
script cap s \scriptS 𝒮 U+1D4AE
script small s \scripts 𝓈 U+1D4C8
script cap t \scriptT 𝒯 U+1D4AF
script small t \scriptt 𝓉 U+1D4C9
script cap u \scriptU 𝒰 U+1D4B0
script small u \scriptu 𝓊 U+1D4CA
script cap v \scriptV 𝒱 U+1D4B1
script small v \scriptv 𝓋 U+1D4CB
script cap w \scriptW 𝒲 U+1D4B2
script small w \scriptw 𝓌 U+1D4CC
script cap x \scriptX 𝒳 U+1D4B3
script small x \scriptx 𝓍 U+1D4CD
script cap y \scriptY 𝒴 U+1D4B4
script small y \scripty 𝓎 U+1D4CE
script cap z \scriptZ 𝒵 U+1D4B5
script small z \scriptz 𝓏 U+1D4CF