This repository contains all the code of my master thesis "A Framework of Simulating Deformable Bodies with Complex Geometries in a Multibody System with Sliding Contacts"
- Modeled the dynamics of flexible bodies using the floating frame of reference (FFR) method;
- Derived a continuous contour description using the non-uniform rational basis spline (NURBS) interpolation and contact search algorithm, which together enable sliding contacts.
I implemented these in the open-sourced multibody simulation framework MBSim and validated them by comparing simulation results with those of ABAQUS, which showed a good agreement. Most of the implementation can also be found in the project website of MBSim:
- the pre-processor: transform the data collected from ABAQUS modal analysis into the desired input formats.
- the dynamics of the FFR method:
- the C^2 continuous contour description