Müber is your on-demand friend with a truck to help you move or transport items that won’t otherwise fit in a car. Müber in it’s current state is built as a web application using React and Node.js.
To run this package, you must have node.js installed. Download or clone the repo. From the top-level directory, install dependencies using npm i
in your terminal or command line. Once this is complete, type npm start
in your terminal or command line to launch the development server. In your browser, navigate to localhost:3000/ to view the application.
For security purposes, secret keys are concealed in a .dotenv
- [React] (https://reactjs.org/) - JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- [ReactScripts]
- [React Router]
- [Create React App]
- Node.js - An asynchronous event driven JavaScript runtime.
- [Body-parser]
- [.dotenv]
- [Express.js] (https://expressjs.com/) - Node.js server
- [SQL] (https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_intro.asp) - Database language
- [Auth0] (https://auth0.com/) - Authentication and authorization platform
- [History] - Sets cookies / redirects routes after authentication
- [Braintree] (https://www.braintreepayments.com/) - Payment gateway
- [Braintree Drop-In] - Module for integrating into an external application
- [MapBox] (https://www.mapbox.com/) - Live location platform *[Deck.GL] - Map overlay *[ReactMap.GL] - React friendly wrapper for MapBox *[Geo Location] - Find user's current location *[Web-Mercator-Viewport] - Viewport with padding for map
[Müber Prototype] (https://xd.adobe.com/view/b8437ce7-1c0d-4b8a-7401-f536cd27d90e-ce72/) - Interactive prototype and UX was designed using Adobe XD.
- Dana Shelton - Concept, Prototype, Frontend
- Joe Burnett - Backend, React God
- Matthew Frey - Backend, Map Master
- Catherine Levengood - Project/Team Management
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE.md file for details
- Case Western Reserve Coding Bootcamp
- Trilogy
- Project 3 / Final