Code for Merging Decision Transformers.
title={Merging Decision Transformers: Weight Averaging for Forming Multi-Task Policies},
author={Daniel Lawson and Ahmed H. Qureshi},
Our code can be run using by installing the Dockerfile
or through installing the dependencies in env.yml
Navigate to the data
folder and run python
to download MuJoCo D4RL datasets.
To utilize ChibiT as a model initialization, it can be downloaded by: gdown --id 1-ziehUyca2eyu5sQRux_q8BkKCnHqOn1
, which should be unzipped and placed in a folder named ChibiT in the checkpoints folder.
python ./lm_cotraining/ --env {env_name} --dataset {dataset_name} --model_type dt -w --pretrained_lm ../checkpoints/chibiT --extend_positions --gpt_kmeans 1000 --gpt_kmeans_const 0.1 --device=cuda --kmeans_cache=../kmeans_cache/ --save_model --save_mode=best --dropout 0.1 --init_reg 1e-4
Where env_name
is chosen from hopper, halfcheetah, or walker2d.
The below command merges three models over attn and mlp paramters, freezes merged parameters, and then finetunes on env_1. This finetuning process can be repeated seperately for each environment. Refer to ./decision_transformer/
and ./decision_transformer/
for utilizing fisher information.
python -w --env {env_1} --dataset {dataset_1} --pretrained_models ./models/{env_1}/dt_gym-experiment-{model_1} ./models/{env_2}/dt_gym-experiment-{model_2} ./models/{env_3}/dt_gym-experiment-{model_3} --num_eval_episodes=50 --max_iters=10 --num_steps_per_iter=10000 --include attn mlp --device=cuda --copy_model --merge_frozen
python --dataset medium --device=cuda --activation_function=gelu_new --max_iters=10 --num_steps_per_iter=10000 --save_model --save_mode=best --embed_dim=512 --n_head 4 -w
python --dataset {dataset} --device=cuda --activation_function=gelu_new --max_iters=10 --num_steps_per_iter=10000 --freeze_subset ln_f wpe embed_timestep --num_eval_episodes=50 --selected_training {env_name} --pretrained_model=./models/multi/dt_gym-experiment-multi-medium-{model_id} -lr=1e-4 -w --init_reg=1e-4 --save_model --save_mode=best --custom_transformer_decay
Where dataset
is chosen from medium-expert or expert, and selected_training chosen from hopper, halfcheetah, or walker2d. model_id
is the id from the saved model in the first step.
python --dataset medium --norm_env=medium --device=cuda --activation_function=gelu_new --max_iters=1 --num_steps_per_iter=0 --num_eval_episodes=50 --eval_only --multi_pretrained_models ./models/multi/dt_gym-experiment-multi-expert-{id_1} ./models/multi/dt_gym-experiment-multi-expert-{id_2} ./models/multi/dt_gym-experiment-multi-expert-{id_3}
Where id_1, id_2, id_3
are the ids of the fineuned multi-task models for each seperate task. Additionally, --use_fisher
should be enabled utilize fisher merging.
We provide pretrained models here for performing merging experiments. Models should be placed in folders ./decision-transformer/models/{env} where env is one of (halfcheetah, hopper walker2d, multi). We may be able to provide additional models in the future or upon request. We describe each of the models available below.
We provide 3 randomly initialized models trained with geglu activations for each environment.
halfcheetah-medium-282032: WandB
walker2d-medium-343846: WandB
hopper-medium-278649: WandB
halfcheetah-medium-expert-104977: WandB
walker2d-medium-expert-599507: WandB
hopper-medium-expert-706057: WandB
halfcheetah-medium-expert-690101: WandB
walker2d-medium-expert-566085: WandB
hopper-medium-expert-151557: WandB
We provide a multi-task model trained on medium quality data which can be used for the "Merging for improving multi-task models" experiment:
medium-730023: WandB (3 layer, 4 heads, 512 embed dim)
Our implementation is based off and