My config files and settings
- oh-my-zsh shell
- Increase dock animate in/out speed
After enabling auto hide dock in Settings, run these to speed up the animate in/out time
defaults write autohide-delay -float 0 defaults write autohide-time-modifier -float .2 killall Dock
- Arc browser
- Raycast Spotlight alternative. Some of my favorite features are
- List Repos for quick opening projects in VSCode
- Clipboard manager
- Window Management good enough to replace BTT for my workflows
- Brew
- Karabiner Elements to convert Caps Lock into Hyper key, then in Raycast I alias common applications to hotkeys
- iTerm
- Dashlane password manager
- GitHub Copilot
- Mullvad VPN because it's one of the few not owned by Kape Technologies (PIA)
- Grammarly
# install brew
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
brew update
# install gui apps
brew install --cask \
raycast \
arc \
iterm2 \
visual-studio-code \
docker \
mullvadvpn \
slack \
discord \
figma \
zoom \
karabiner-elements \
keycastr \
brew install \
git \
- GitHub Copilot -- experimenting dropping this in favor of Cursor
- Turbo Console Log One-hotkey print statements with context
- AutoRenameTag
- Code Spell Checker This has literally helped me catch bugs
- ES7+ React/Redux/React-Native snippets Makes creating
states fast - RestClient Lofi Postman
- GitLens Has a handy feature "Open line on remote" that opens the line in GitHub
- ESLint
- Prettier
- Check Updates of NPM Packages
- Import Cost
- Error Lens
- Markdown Preview Enhanced
- Tailwind CSS IntelliSense
- LiveServer - Handy for quick HTML serving
- uBlock Origin
- Grammarly
- JSON Formatter
- Dashlane
- React Developer Tools
- Redux DevTools
- CSS Stacking Context inspector