This repository contains a Twitter bot that tweets the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic in Canada. It uses twit and The part of the bot that tweets new information is in this file, and the part of the bot that retweet Prime Minister Trudeau's latest COVID-related tweet is in this file.
The bot's twitter account is @CanadaCovid19B1.
Want to make the same thing for your country? There's a Python script located here, just clone it, and follow the instructions. You will still need to setup access to the Twitter API and a Heroku application. This whole process should take maximum 15 minutes if you're familiar with the Twitter API and Heroku.
Or.. Fork the repository. Go to bot.js and, on line #19
, change "Canada" to the name of your country. Beforehand, you will need to setup access to the Twitter API and a Heroku application. Additionally, if you want your bot to retweet your goverment's latest COVID-related tweet, change "CanadianPM" on line #11
of retweet.js to your government/government leader's Twitter username.
❤️ Stay safe, & lots of love from Canada. ❤️