An Node.js-Express-Mongo app for sharing landscapes from around the world
check out the heroku hosted app at
- expressjs - The server for handling and routing HTTP requests
- express-session - A node.js module middleware for handling sessions compatible with Express
- express-mongo-sanitize - Express 4.x middleware which sanitizes user-supplied data to prevent MongoDB Operator Injection
- connect-mongo MongoDB session store for Connect and Express.
- mongoose - For modeling and mapping MongoDB data to javascript
- passport - Express-compatible authentication middleware for Node.js
- passport-local - passport strategy for authenticating with a username and password
- passport-local-mongoose - mongoose plugin that simplifies building username and password login with passport
- method-override - Lets you use HTTP verbs such as PUT or DELETE in places where the client doesn't support it
- ejs - Embedded JavaScript templates
- ejs-mate - Express 4.x layout, partial and block template functions for the EJS template engine.
- dotenv - module that loads environment variables from a .env file into process.env.
- connect-flash - Flash messages are stored in the session
- multer - Multer is a node.js middleware for handling multipart/form-data, which is primarily used for uploading files
- cloudinary - allows you to quickly and easily integrate your application with Cloudinary
- multer-storage-cloudinary - A multer storage engine for Cloudinary
- sanitize-html - provides a simple HTML sanitizer with a clear API
- joi - schema description language and data validator for JavaScript
- @mapbox/mapbox-sdk - A JS SDK for working with Mapbox APIs
- The entry point to our application. This file configuring mongoose, session, etc. It starts the server and handling errors.routes/
- This folder contains the route definitions for our API.models/
- This folder contains the schema definitions for our Mongoose models.conrollers/
- This folder contains the routes logic.middleware.js
- This file contains the middleware for the routes
- ExpressError class - A class which represents an error.
- catchAsync - a wrapper function that passes the error to the error handle middleware
- error middleware - a middleware that renders the error view with a message.
Utilize passport and passport-local strategy to authenticate users.
Utilize middleware to authorize only the author to change a landscape.