Sometimes batch-pools get stuck and don't run with the desired number of nodes. In this situation it can help to reset all pools (e.g. scale to 0 and then back to e.g. 10). You can do this for all of your pools at once with this script.
Login to the azure-portal. Then open the azure-shell by clicking on the ">_"-icon at the top of the screen. If you have never used the shell before, you'll have to create a storage account for the shell first (just accept the default-settings and click OK). Select bash as your environment.
Once the shell has started up, enter
git clone
to load the script into your shell. If you cloned the repository already before and just want to update the script, enter
git pull
Then enter
cd automating_launches
You can start the script with
./ n
(replace n with the number of low-priority-nodes you want to scale to).
E.g. to scale all pools to 0, use
./ 0
Or to scale all pools to 10 nodes, use
./ 10