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7ixi0 edited this page Apr 27, 2018 · 1 revision

createProxy(localServerOptions, serverList, proxyOptions)


returns a Proxy object and starts listening.


  • localServerOptions

    An object containing options for the internal server (also called localServer). All the options are listed in the node-minecraft-protocol documentation.

    NOTE The keepAlive options should always be false because the real client and server are supposed to send an respond to keep-alive packets

  • serverList

    An object containing a list of servers, formatted like this:

      'serverName': {
        host: ''
        port: '25565',
        isDefault: true, // this indicates if a player should be redirected to this server on their first connection, there should be only one default server
        isFallback: true // this indicates if a player should be redirected to this server in the event of a disconnection from other servers
      'serverName2': {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 25566

    Example server list:

      hub: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 25565,
        isDefault: true,
        isFallback: true
      minigames: {
        host: 'localhost',
        port: 25566
  • proxyOptions

    An object containing options for the proxy. This object gets passed to the Proxy, but the enablePlugins property is only used in this function and is ignored by Proxy

    • enablePlugins bool If the plugins in /src/Plugins/ should be activated
    • autoConnect: bool If the proxy should automatically forward player to the default server when they connect
    • autoFallback: bool If the proxy should move players to the fallback server when they get kicked from another server


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