A set of SNMP command-line tools implemented in Swift and intended as a test/demonstration project for SwiftSnmpKit https://github.com/darrellroot/SwiftSnmpKit
The swift-crypto library performs much faster when built for release rather than debug. The easiest way to do this while testing in Xcode is to "Build for profiling"
- SwiftSnmpTools is written by Darrell Root
- CryptoSwift is developed by Marcin Krzyzanowski https://github.com/krzyzanowskim/CryptoSwift who requires attribution on software including that library
- swift-argument-parser https://github.com/apple/swift-argument-parser
- swift-nio https://github.com/apple/swift-nio
- swift-crypto https://github.com/apple/swift-crypto
- swift-atomics https://github.com/apple/swift-atomics