DART 6.9.0
- Deprecated custom make_unique in favor of std::make_unique: #1317
Collision Detection
- Added raycast query to BulletCollisionDetector: #1309
- Added safeguard for accessing Assimp color: #1313
- Changed URDF parser to use URDF material color when specified: #1295
- Added heightmap support to OSG renderer: #1293
- Improved voxel grid and point cloud rendering performance: #1294
- Fixed incorrect alpha value update of InteractiveFrame: #1297
- Fixed dereferencing a dangling pointer in WorldNode: #1311
- Removed warning of ImGuiViewer + OSG shadow: #1312
- Added shape type and color options to PointCloudShape: #1314, #1316
- Fixed incorrect transparency of MeshShape for MATERIAL_COLOR mode: #1315
- Fixed incorrect PointCloudShape transparency: #1330
- Improved voxel rendering by using multiple nodes instead of CompositeShape: #1334
Examples and Tutorials
- Updated examples directory to make dart::gui::osg more accessible: #1305
- Switched to pybind11: #1307
- Added grid visual: #1318
- Added ReferentialSkeleton, Linkage, and Chain: #1321
- Enabled WorldNode classes to overload virtual functions in Python: #1322
- Added JacobianNode and operational space controller example: #1323
- Removed static create() functions in favor of custom constructors: #1324
- Added optimizer APIs with GradientDescentSolver and NloptSolver: #1325
- Added SimpleFrame: #1326
- Added basic inverse kinematics APIs: #1327
- Added shapes and ShapeFrame aspects: #1328
- Added collision APIs: #1329
- Added DegreeOfFreedom and ShapeNode: #1332
- Added constraint APIs: #1333
- Added BallJoint, RevoluteJoint, joint properties, and chain tutorial (incomplete): #1335
- Added all the joints: #1337
- Added DART, Bullet, Ode collision detectors: #1339