Ensure you have tsc
(Typescript CLI) in your path.
tsc -w
cd public
python -m SimpleHTTPServer 4321 # or any other static server
Original blender files etc. are stored with git LFS here https://github.com/darzu/sprig-assets.
Published assets are stored here https://github.com/darzu/assets. This repo has no git LFS and we need to keep it smaller than ~1gb forever or github might get mad at us.
For a good local dev workflow, symblink from darzu/assets repo root to sprig/public/assets/ or copy assets into public/assets/ E.g. (if u clone darzu/assets as assets-public):
ln -s ~/assets-public/ ~/sprig/public/assets
If you start a server in one browser window, the ID will be copied to your clipboard (and also logged to the console). You can use that ID to connect in another browser window.