The purpose of this project is to experiment with deploying machine learning models into a kafka environment and to perform real-time predictions. The streaming data comes from NYC Bike stations and is consumed from via a python aplication and is saved to a sqlite database. Furthermore, an easy to deploy infrastrcuture has been developed to deploy the ingestion from satori, kafka, zookeeper and kafka-connect-jdbc-source with a docker-compose setup. To be developed: mahout regression model which coefficients will be stored in kafka, kafka-streaming app which reads coefficients and runs machine learning model, spring microservice which makes predictions available per REST API.
Prerequesites: Add a config.yml file unser ingestion-to-db/src with following content (channel, endpoint and dbpath are optional - will only be used if you want to run the python script locally without docker:
apikey: 'xxx'
channel: 'NYC-Bike-Live-Station'
endpoint: 'wss://'
dbpath: '/foo/bar'
Setup environment variables in docker/docker-compose.yml.
Run kafka-docker/