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Integration of FullCalendar as Flow component for Vaadin Platform / Vaadin 10+

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FullCalendar web component addon

This addon is an integration of the FullCalendar as a Flow component for Vaadin 14+.

The latest version 3.x.x of this addon uses the FullCalendar 5. The version 2.x.x uses the older FullCalendar 4.

Note Version 2.x.x will only receive maintenance fixes, while new features will be developed for the 3.x.x version.

Please also have a look at the demo for some basic examples and source code of how to integrate the FC. For more examples please have a look into the example section.

Authors of this addon

This addon is currently maintained by Carlo Zanocco and me. If you have any questions or issues, please use the GitHub repository issues page.

Vaadin directory


Fullcalendar Scheduler:

Additional links and information

Addon Functionality

The following functions are currently implemented and available to use from server side:

  • adding / updating / removing calendar items,

  • switching between shown intervals (next month, previous month, etc.),

  • goto a specific date or today,

  • switch the calendar view (month, basic views for days and weeks, agenda views for days and weeks, list views for day to year),

  • setting a locale to be used for displaying week days, formatting values, calculating the first day of the week, etc. (supported locales are provided as constant list)

  • setting the first day of week to be shown (overrides the locale setting),

  • show of week numbers

  • limit max shown entries per day (except basic views)

  • showing now indicator

  • activating day / week numbers / names to be links

  • setting a eventRender JS function from server side

  • setting business hours information (multiple entries possible)

  • creating recurring events

  • setting / handling timezones and their offsets (by default the FC uses UTC times and dates)

  • Event handling for

    • clicking an empty time spot in the calendar,
    • selecting a block of empty time spots in the calendar,
    • clicking an entry,
    • moving an entry via drag and drop (event is fired on drop + changed time),
    • resizing an entry (event is fired after resize + changed time),
    • view rendered (i. e. to update a label of the shown interval)
    • clicking on limited entries link "+ X more"
    • clicking on a day's or week's number link (when activated)
  • Model supports setting

    • title,
    • start / end / all day flag,
    • color (html colors, like "#f00" or "red"),
    • description (not shown via FC),
    • editable / read only
    • rendering mode (normal, background, inversed background)
    • recurring data (day of week, start / end date and time)

Known issues

Calendar size does not work anymore (V15)

For some, currently unknown reason, the sizing by parent does not work anymore in V15. Please apply a concrete height for the calendar by using either FullCalendar#setHeight(int) or FullCalendar#setHeightAuto(). The 2nd one should work in combination with Vaadin's setHeight(String) method.

Calendar crashes when clicking (V14+)

For some, currently unknown reason, sizing a calendar after the view has changed manually on a newly created calendar lets the calendar crash, when clicking inside somewhere. I have no idea, why that is so. Please see stefanuebe#45 for details and progress.

Build problems / JS (client side) errors (V14+)

It might be, that the transitive dependencies are not resolved correctly.

If you are using Spring Boot please add the @EnableVaadin annotation to your application class. Add the package org.vaadin.stefan plus your root package as parameters. This should enable Spring to analyze all npm dependencies at runtime. Other CDI version should work the same.

If you are not using Spring, but have similiar issues try to add also the goal build-frontend to the vaadin maven plugin. This should resolve transitive npm dependencies at build time.

For instance:



Q: The calendar instance is not recognized during build time or loading of frontend dependencies (leads client side errors)

A: Please see Build problems / JS (client side) errors with V14 for further details.

Q: The DatesRenderedEvent is not fired when setting an option, that changes the view.

A: I deactivated the forwarding of the datesRendered event from the client side when an option is set, since that would lead otherwise to a huge amount of datesRendered events. When setting options before the client side is fully attached, the queueing messes up the event handling here.

When needed, you can activate or deactivate that by using the method allowDatesRenderEventOnOptionChange(boolean). By default this value is false, simply set it to true to also receive date render events on setOption.

Feedback and co.

If there are bugs or you need more features (and I'm not fast enough) feel free to contribute on GitHub. :) I'm also happy for feedback or suggestions about improvements.


Creating a basic instance and add an entry

// Create a new calendar instance and attach it to our layout
FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().build();
container.setFlexGrow(1, calendar);

// Create a initial sample entry
Entry entry = new Entry();
entry.setTitle("Some event");
entry.setStart(, 0), calendar.getTimezone());
entry.setEnd(entry.getStart().plusHours(2), calendar.getTimezone());


Show a dialog to create new entries or modify existing ones

 * The day click event listener is called when a user clicks in an empty space inside of the 
 * calendar. Depending of if the clicked point was a day or time slot the event will provide the 
 * time details of the clicked point. With this info you can show a dialog to create a new entry.
calendar.addTimeslotsSelectedListener((event) -> {
    // react on the selected timeslot, for instance create a new instance and let the user edit it 
    Entry entry = new Entry();



    // ... show and editor

 * The entry click event listener is called when the user clicks on an existing entry. 
 * The event provides the clicked event which might be then opened in a dialog.
calendar.addEntryClickListener(event -> /* ... */);

Add, update or remove an entry

// ... create a form and binder to provide editable components to the user

HorizontalLayout buttons = new HorizontalLayout();
Button buttonSave;
if (newInstance) {
    buttonSave = new Button("Create", e -> {
        if (binder.validate().isOk()) {
            // add the entry to the calendar instance
} else {
    buttonSave = new Button("Save", e -> {
        if (binder.validate().isOk()) {
             // update an existing entry in the client side

if (!newInstance) {
    Button buttonRemove = new Button("Remove", e -> calendar.removeEntry(entry));

Show the current shown time interval (e. g. month) with Vaadin components

private void init() {
    // The element that should show the current interval. 
    HasText intervalLabel = new Span();

    // combo box to select a view for the calendar, like "monthly", "weekly", ...
    ComboBox<CalendarView> viewBox = new ComboBox<>("", CalendarViewImpl.values());
    viewBox.addValueChangeListener(e -> {
        CalendarView value = e.getValue();
        calendar.changeView(value == null ? CalendarViewImpl.MONTH : value);

      * The view rendered listener is called when the view has been rendererd on client side 
      * and FC is aware of the current shown interval. Might be accessible more directly in 
      * future.
    calendar.addDatesRenderedListener(event -> 
        LocalDate intervalStart = event.getIntervalStart();
        CalendarView cView = viewBox.getValue();

        String formattedInterval = ... // format the intervalStart based on cView 


Example combinations of parent and calendar height settings.

// #1 setting a fixed height

// #2 setting a auto height - this is calculated by the w-h-ratio of the calendar

// #3 calculate height by parent. parent is a block container.

// #4 calculate height by parent + usage of css calc(). parent is a block container.
calendar.getElement().getStyle().set("height", "calc(100vh - 450px)");

// #5 calculate height by parent. parent is a flex container.
calendar.getElement().getStyle().set("flex-grow", "1");

Modify FCs appearance by using css variables

  1. Copy the styles.css from the GitHub demo or create your own css file and place it in your applications frontend folder (e. g. frontend/styles/my-custom-full-calendar-styles.css)

An example file can be found from here:

(Please be aware, that these custom properties are generated from the original styles. Since some dom elements have classes, which are not used in the css files, there are no generated custom attributes for these class combinations. In that case you'll have to subclass the Polymer class.)

  1. Modify the styles as needed.
    /* light blue to be used instead of default light yellow*/
    --fc-unthemed_tdfc-today-background: #81DAF5 !important;
    /* and some fancy border */
    --fc_td-border-style: dotted !important;
    --fc_td-border-width: 2px !important;
  1. Use the styles file in your application.
public class FullCalendarApplication extends ... {
    // ...

Modifiy FC's appearance by using a custom class.

Create a custom component, that extends FullCalendar or FullCalendarScheduler. Override the static template method and reuse the parent's methods to create the basic styles.

The following example shows how a custom class extends the basic fc class and adds it's own styles. It will set the background of the "today" cell to red.

Please note, that you also need a Java class using this Polymer class on the server side. The Scheduler is working the same way, please have a look at its implementation for further details.

import {html} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import {FullCalendar} from 'full-calendar';

export class MyFullCalendar extends FullCalendar {
    static get template() {
        return html`

    static get templateCustomCalendarCss() {
        return html`
             .fc-unthemed td.fc-today {
               background: red;

customElements.define('my-full-calendar', MyFullCalendar);

Modify FC's appearance by adding a custom style element

You can add a style tag to the existing full calendar implementation to add custom styles.
Please be advised, that this method can be used to introduce malicious code into your page, so you should be sure, that the added css code is safe (e.g. not taken from user input or the databse).

String customCss = "" +
    ".fc-today.fc-day {" + // marks today with red
    "   background-color: red !important;" +

Modifying eventRender from server side

The given string will be interpreted as js function on client side and attached as eventRender callback. Make sure, that it does not contain any harmful code.

calendar.setEntryRenderCallback("" +
	"function(info) {" +
        "   console.log(info.event.title + 'X');" +
        " = 'red';" +
        "   return info.el; " +

Creating a subclass of FullCalendar for custom mods

  1. Create a custom Polymer component Create a custom component, that extends FullCalendar or FullCalendarScheduler.

For changes on the appeareance, override the static template method and reuse the parent's methods to create the basic styles and layout (see example for modifying FC's appearance for details).

For changes on the initial options see the following example.

import {html} from '@polymer/polymer/polymer-element.js';
import {FullCalendar} from 'full-calendar';

export class MyFullCalendar extends FullCalendar {
    _createInitOptions() {
        var options = super._createInitOptions();
        options.eventRender = function (event, element) {
            element.css('color', 'red');
            return element;
        return options;

customElements.define('my-full-calendar', MyFullCalendar);
  1. Create a subclass of FullCalendar
import com.vaadin.flow.component.Tag;
import com.vaadin.flow.component.dependency.JsModule;
import org.vaadin.stefan.fullcalendar.FullCalendar;

public class MyFullCalendar extends FullCalendar {
    MyFullCalendar(int entryLimit) {
  1. Use this class in your code
calendar = new MyFullCalendar(5);

Creating a background event

Entry entry = new Entry(); // ... setup entry details

entry.setRenderingMode(Entry.RenderingMode.BACKGROUND); calendar.addEntry(entry);

Adding business hours

// Single instance for "normal" business week (mo-fr) calendar.setBusinessHours(new BusinessHours(LocalTime.of(9, 0), LocalTime.of(17, 0),BusinessHours.DEFAULT_BUSINESS_WEEK));

// Multiple instances calendar.setBusinessHours( new BusinessHours(LocalTime.of(9, 0), LocalTime.of(17, 0),BusinessHours.DEFAULT_BUSINESS_WEEK), new BusinessHours(LocalTime.of(12, 0), LocalTime.of(15, 0), DayOfWeek.SATURDAY) );

// Single instance for "each day from 9am to midnight" calendar.setBusinessHours(new BusinessHours(LocalTime.of(9, 0)));

Using timezones

// Per default, our FC works with UTC. You can set a custom timezone to be shown for the user. // This will automatically update all entries on the client side. Timezone tzBerlinGermany = new Timezone("Europe/Berlin"); calendar.setTimezone(tzBerlinGermany);

// We can also reset the timezone to default. calendar.setTimezone(Timezone.UTC);

// We can also read the browsers timezone, after the component has been attached to the client side. // There are other ways to obtain the browser's timezone, so you are not obliged to use the listener. calendar.addBrowserTimezoneObtainedListener(event -> calendar.setTimezone(event.getTimezone()));

// If you want to let the calendar obtain the browser time zone automatically, you may simply use the builder. // In that case as soon as the client connected, it will set it's timezone in the server side instance. FullCalendarBuilder.create().withAutoBrowserTimezone().build();

// When using timezones, entries can calculate their start and end in different ways. entry.setStart(; // UTC entry.setStart(, tzBerlinGermany); // timezone is used to calculate the UTC value

entry.setCalendar(calendar); // is done automatically, when using calendar.addEntry(entry); entry.setStart(; // Uses the calendars timezone (or UTC as fallback)

// Timezone provides some convenient methods to work with the two different temporal types tzBerlinGermany.convertToUTC(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 10, 1, 10, 0, 0)) // Standard time, returns Instant for 9:00 UTC this day. tzBerlinGermany.convertToUTC(LocalDateTime.of(2018, 8, 1, 10, 0, 0)) // Summer time, returns Instant for 8:00 UTC this day. tzBerlinGermany.convertToLocalDateTime( // returns a date time with +1/+2 hours (depending on summer time).

Passing custom initial options in Java

You can fully customize the client side options in Java by passing a JsonObject when creating the FullCalendar. Please be aware, that some options are always set, regardless of the values you set. Please check the ApiDocs of the withInitialOptions method (or respective constructors) for details

The following example shows the default initial options as they are set internally by the web component.

JsonObject initialOptions = Json.createObject();
initialOptions.put("height", "parent");
initialOptions.put("timeZone", "UTC");
initialOptions.put("header", false);
initialOptions.put("weekNumbers", true);
initialOptions.put("eventLimit", false); // pass an int value to limit the entries per day
initialOptions.put("navLinks", true); 
initialOptions.put("selectable", true);
calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().withScheduler().withInitialOptions(initialOptions).build();

Using tippy.js for description tooltips

This sample shows how to easy integrate tippy.js into a custom subclass of FullCalendar to show an entry's description as a tooltip when hovering the entry inside the FC. Please customize the example as needed.

  1. Create a new javascript file inside the frontend folder of your project. It needs to extend either FullCalendar or FullCalendarScheduler. This example utilized FullCalendarScheduler. If you want to use the normal FC, simply remove all the -Scheduler parts.


import {FullCalendarScheduler} from '@vaadin/flow-frontend/full-calendar-scheduler.js';
import tippy from 'tippy.js';

export class FullCalendarWithTooltip extends FullCalendarScheduler {
    static get is() {
        return 'full-calendar-with-tooltip';

    _initCalendar() {
        this.getCalendar().setOption("eventRender", this.callTooltip);

    callTooltip(info) {
        if (info.event.extendedProps && info.event.extendedProps.description) {
            tippy(info.el, {
                // content: info.event.extendedProps.description
                theme: 'light',
                content: info.event.extendedProps.description

customElements.define(, FullCalendarWithTooltip);
  1. Now create a simple JavaClass, that utilizes your js file. This Java class also imports the needed CSS files.
public class FullCalendarWithTooltip extends FullCalendarScheduler {

    public FullCalendarWithTooltip() {


Q: The calendar instance is not recognized during build time or loading of frontend dependencies (leads client side errors) A: Please see Build problems / JS (client side) errors with V14 for further details.

Q: The DatesRenderedEvent is not fired when setting an option, that changes the view. A: I deactivated the forwarding of the datesRendered event from the client side when an option is set, since that would lead otherwise to a huge amount of datesRendered events. When setting options before the client side is fully attached, the queueing messes up the event handling here.

When needed, you can activate or deactivate that by using the method allowDatesRenderEventOnOptionChange(boolean). By default this value is false, simply set it to true to also receive date render events on setOption.

FullCalendar Scheduler extension

This addon extends the FullCalendar for Flow addon with the FullCalendar Scheduler, which provides additional resource based views (Timeline View and Vertical Resource View) for Vaadin 14+.

It needs the basic addon ( to work. Since this addon is not always updated when the basis gets an update, I suggest, that you add both dependencies (basis and extension) to always use the latest versions. This extension is compatible as long as the readme does not tells anything else.

The latest version 3.x.x of this addon uses the FullCalendar Scheduler 5. The version 2.x.x uses the older FullCalendar Scheduler 4.

Note Version 2.x.x will only receive maintenance fixes, while new features will be developed for the 3.x.x version.

Additional links and information

For information about the Scheduler (functionality, features, license information, etc.) visit

For a Vaadin 10-13 version (that is built on FC 3.10.x), see

License information:

Please be aware, that the FullCalender Scheduler library this addon is based on has a different license model then the basic FullCalendar. For details about the license, visit

This addon does not provide any commercial license for the Scheduler. The license model of MIT does only affect the additional files of this addon, not the used original files.

Activating the Scheduler

By default the scheduler is not active, when you use a FullCalendar instance. To have an instance with scheduler activated, use the withScheduler() method of the FullCalendarBuilder.

This method will throw an exception, if the scheduler extension is not on the class path.

To link a resource with entries, use the Entry subclass ResourceEntry.

Additional Features of the Scheduler extension

  • Activation of the Scheduler by method in the FullCalendarBuilder.
  • Adding resources to a calendar (hierarchies of resources are not yet supported).
  • Link one or multiple resources with entries.
  • List of possible Scheduler based views (timeline).

Info: Entries are linked to calendar internally. The calendar instance is used to resolve resources by after updating an entry on the client side.

Feedback and co.

If there are bugs or you need more features (and I'm not fast enough) feel free to contribute on GitHub. :) I'm also happy for feedback or suggestions about improvements.


Activating the scheduler

FullCalendar calendar = FullCalendarBuilder.create().withScheduler().build();

// scheduler options
((Scheduler) calendar).setSchedulerLicenseKey(...);

Adding a resource to a calendar and link it with entries

Resource resource = new Resource(null, s, color);

// When we want to link an entry with a resource, we need to use ResourceEntry
// (a subclass of Entry)
ResourceEntry entry = new ResourceEntry(null, title, start.atStartOfDay(), start.plusDays(days).atStartOfDay(), true, true, color, "Some description...");

Handling change of an entry's assigned resource by drag and drop

calendar.addEntryDroppedListener(event -> {

    Entry entry = event.getEntry();

    if(entry instanceof ResourceEntry) {
        Set<Resource> resources = ((ResourceEntry) entry).getResources();
        if(!resources.isEmpty()) {
            // do something with the resource info

Switching to a timeline view


Activate vertical resource view


Creating a resource bases background event

ResourceEntry entry = new ResourceEntry(); // ... setup entry details, including addResource()

entry.setRenderingMode(Entry.RenderingMode.BACKGROUND); calendar.addEntry(entry);

Creating hierarchical resources

// Create a parent resource. When adding the sub resources first before adding the parent to the calendar,
// the sub resources are registered automatically on client side and server side.

Resource parent = new Resource();
parent.addChildren(new Resource(), new Resource(), new Resource());

calendar.addResource(parent); // will add the resource and also it's children to server and client

// add new resources to already registered parents
Resource child = new Resource()
calendar.addResource(child); // this will update the client side

// or remove them from already registered ones

Making a resource entry draggable between resources

// activate for the client to have an entry being draggable between resources

// update the entry on the client side, if it is already added to the calendar


Integration of FullCalendar as Flow component for Vaadin Platform / Vaadin 10+






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  • Java 84.8%
  • JavaScript 15.2%