Provides a console app to track changes at websites view
- Monitor changes that are not entirely under your control, for example, after updating translations or someone change something in the source code
- Find differences after big changes at your site like refactoring or migrating to another libs
- It works pretty randomly with JS sliders with timed auto swiping and iframes - sometimes it can find differences even if there is none of them
To use the program, run a compiled .exe file with one of the following arguments
- update-screenshots - To check for changes, you need to save a state of your website to compare its new version with it.
- check-for-changes - To compare your new website state with the old one, you need to run that command
- help - To get all available commands type
Configure app and add your website settings.
To see all available project settings check the Project configuration.
To see all available website settings check the Website configuration model.
"WebSiteComparerConfiguration": {
"ScreenshotDirectory": "C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\WebsiteChangesTracker\\Screenshots",
"ChangesTrackingOutputDirectory": "C:\\Users\\user\\Downloads\\WebsiteChangesTracker\\Difference"
"WebSites": [
"Urls": [
"ScreenshotWidth": 1280,
"PageLoadingConfiguration": {
"DisableJavaScript": false