Using any tools you prefer (Vue, React, Angular, plain ol JavaScript, CSS frameworks) let’s build a website. The website only needs to do a couple things. Primarily it is going to interact with
Be able to search for a joke
- Pagination of joke search results would be nice, but not required. You might save this for last if you have time.
- Gracefully handle the case where there are no search results
Be able to retrieve a random joke
Even though it is kind of silly, when you click a joke it should go to an individual joke page.
- On that page you should be able to click a button to copy the joke to your clipboard.
There should be a page header and footer, with navigation to the search page, the random page, and any additional pages you feel like adding.
Install: yarn
Run locally: yarn dev
The terminal will output a url on localhost
- I'm running on Node v16.17.0, I've set the Node engine to only allow 16.x
- Jest test is incomplete, but I thought it beneficial to include the wip
- gql dir is a generated directory