Create a virtual environment using virtualenv env
and then activate that environment using source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements for the script by running pip install -r requirements.txt
Download the corpora for the sentiment analysis using the command python -m textblob.download_corpora
Create a file named with the following contents (replacing the context between the <> symbols with your Twitter keys):
consumer_key = "<CONSUMER_KEY>" consumer_secret = "<CONSUMER_SECRET>" access_key = "<ACCESS_KEY>" access_secret = "<ACCESS_SECRET>"
After finding a Twitter list you would like to load tweets from, run the following command:
python --outname <OUTNAME> --sources <SOURCES>
is the desired name of the output JSON file, and <SOURCES>
is a space-separated list of Twitter list objects. Twitter list objects are written as the following: <LIST_NAME>,<LIST_AUTHOR>,<LEAN>
Example command:
python --outname tweets.json --sources conservative-voices,bponsot,right liberals,mattklewis,left
The output file consists of JSON formatted tweets, separated by newlines. Each tweet contains an id, text, sentiment and subjectivity ratings, and the prescribed lean.
Sample tweet:
"id": 1118129766413033472,
"text": "Majority of Republicans think evangelical Christians are more discriminated against than minorities\u2026",
"softSentiment": "positive",
"mediumSentiment": "positive",
"harshSentiment": "neutral",
"softSubjectivity": "subjective",
"mediumSubjectivity": "subjective",
"harshSubjectivity": "objective",
"lean": "left"