Answer Set Programming, Interactively
This project started as an interactive shell for clingo, and is gradually morphing into an experimental programming language based on Lambda Dependency-Based Compositional Semantics (λdcs). It supports a variety of declarative programming paradigms in a cohesive manner:
- Functional programming
fib[0]: 0. fib[1]: 1. fib[N 2..45]: fib[N-1] + fib[N-2].
- Relational programming
pythag(A n2, B n2, C n2): (A**2) = ((B**2) + (C**2)).
- Constraint programming
triple(A,B,C): pythag(A,B,C), ((A+B)+C) = 96?
- Logic programming
mine: block ~red ~supports.pyramid. mine?
- Definite clause grammars
#macro words[A,B]: concatenate[A, " ", B]. sentence[s(N,V)]: words[noun_phrase.N, verb_phrase.V]. noun_phrase[np(D,N)]: words[det D, noun N]. verb_phrase[vp(V,N)]: words[verb V, noun_phrase.N]. det: "a" | "the". noun: "bat" | "cat". verb: "eats". parse.S: sentence'.S.
>>> parse."the bat eats a cat"? that: s(np("the","bat"),vp("eats",np("a","cat"))).
- Predicating type specifiers
collatz[N even n3]: N / 2. collatz[N odd n3]: (3*N) + 1. say[N multiple.100 100..900]: concatenate[say[N/100], " hundred"].
- Automated planning
The language is still unstable and lacking much documentation yet, but there are several example programs in this repo, e.g. solutions to Project Euler-like problems.
λdcs can be used to write logic programs in a concise, pointfree manner. Below are a number of examples comparing how λdcs expressions translate to standard logic programs, as well as monadic functional programs.
λdcs | ASP logic program | Haskell | |
Unary predicate |
what(A) :- seattle(A). |
[Seattle] |
Join binary to unary predicate |
what(B) :- place_of_birth(B,A), seattle(A). |
placeOfBirth =<< [Seattle] |
Reverse operator |
what(B) :- place_of_birth(A,B), john(A). |
inv placeOfBirth =<< [John] |
Join chain |
what(C) :- children(C,B),
seattle(A). |
children =<< placeOfBirth =<< [Seattle] |
Intersection |
what(C) :- profession(C,A), scientist(A),
place_of_birth(C,B), seattle(B). |
[ x | x <- profession =<< [Scientist]
, x' <- placeOfBirth =<< [Seattle]
, x == x' ] |
Union |
what(C) :- disjunction(C).
disjunction(B) :- oregon(B).
disjunction(B) :- washington(B).
disjunction(B) :- type(B,A),
canadian_province(A). |
[Oregon] <|> [Washington]
<|> (type' =<< [CanadianProvince]) |
Negation |
what(D) :- type(D,A), us_state(A),
not negation(D).
negation(C) :- border(C,B), california(B). |
(type' =<< [USState]) \\ (border =<< [California]) |
Aggregation |
what(C) :- C = #count { B : type(B,A),
us_state(A) }. |
[length . nub $ type' =<< [USState]] |
μ abstraction |
what(B) :- B = MuX, children(B,A),
influenced(A,MuX). |
[ x | x <- universe
, x' <- children =<< influenced =<< [x]
, x == x' ] |
λ abstraction |
number_of_children(B,MuX) :-
B = #count { A : children(MuX,A) }. |
numberOfChildren x =
[length . nub $ inv children =<< [x]] |
The Haskell code above uses the following definitions:
universe :: (Bounded a, Enum a) => [a]
universe = [minBound .. maxBound]
inv :: (Bounded a, Enum a, Eq b) => (a -> [b]) -> b -> [a]
inv f y = [ x | x <- universe, y' <- f x, y == y' ]