#EyeTracker_Raspberry2 EyeTracker for Raspberry2
We want create a simple device for detect simple eye movement (RIGHT,LEFT,CENTER) and use this detection to create a gesture for control device like IR Remote control, windows/doors, television, every electrical device.
We have choose Raspberry 2 and Python (for the moment 2.7) to make it simple to reproduce and simple to manage. We also use a Logitech camera and an Arduino for our purpose.
####To use this software you have 2 ways: #####First way
Download the image of the entire OS (https://mega.nz/#!ZpRgTCDS!h1Wbr3xWjf9SWGIOARfMCLsp5QIq47laIzVHcqbkTIk) and fit it into a MicroSD card (we suggest 16 Gb Evo Samsung ~10,00 €)
Start your Raspberry, open a console and run "ifconfig" to check the IP address. ie.
#####Now connect a USB camera and check if the system recognize it, use this command ls /dev | grep video0 if "video0" is the output, the camera are correctly recognized
#####now if you want use another computer to connect to the Raspberry, you need a terminal client (ie. on Windows use PUTTY) #####remember: if you launch a script with graphical output (like this OpenCV) you need to redirect the output of the terminal using this command export DISPLAY=:0.0 this permit to render the graphical output in the raspberry attached monitor.
#####We need to fix an issue in the Virtual Environment #####update your ~/.profile file to include the following lines in the end of the file: nano ~/.profile
export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs
source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh
#####Now reload the profile and all works like a charm (hopefully) source ~/.profile
#####And activate Virtual Environment workon cv
#####Now clone the repository (be sure you are in the user folder /home/pi) git clone https://github.com/davidecaminati/EyeTracker_Raspberry2
#####move into directory cd EyeTracker_Raspberry2
#####start the program python external_eyetraking_webcam.py -o True -e 0
#####Second way
Start from scratch downloading the Raspbian image from this link (https://www.raspberrypi.org/downloads/) then follow the instruction to fit the Image into your MicroSD card, after this, follow the guide of installation for OpenCV (https://github.com/davidecaminati/EyeTracker_Raspberry2/blob/master/external_eyetraking_webcam.py)