This is an old AutoHotKey script I made in 2018/2019 for the Virtual Reality Discord. Made for Rift CV1.
It allows you to toggle the mic button by touching the 'Y' button on your Touch controller.
- Install AHK (AutoHotKey) <- You're probably already here!
- In your Speaker settings, change your Rift Audio's volume to a particular value (e.g. 78)
- Run 'soundcard analysis.ahk'
- When the list shows up, find the Audio output with the same volume you set before
- Remember the mixer's number of that output
- Right-click 'oculus-toggle-mic.ahk' and click on Edit Script
- Replace REPLACE_ME with the mixer's number from before
- Save
- Right-click 'oculus-toggle-mic.ahk' and click on Compile Script
- You can now put your Rift Audio's volume back to full again
Simply run the compiled file (.exe) everytime you need it.
Simply rest your thumb on the right thumb rest sensor then release it to toggle the mic on and off.
Tray > 'H' icon > Exit/Pause Script