Twitter Geolocation is a console app that generates twitter search querries for a certain geolocation and opens them in your standard webbrowser. Provide either GPS Coordinates, a What3Words-address (requires a free account) or use the mapquest API to search for a location (requires a free account).
As a python script this does not need to be installed but to run it you will require python 3.7 or higher and the following packages:
- requests
- json*
- webbrowser*
* = should be provided with python3
$ python3 -c <latitude> <longitude> <radius>
$ python3 -c 52.5186202 13.3761872 0.2km
To use the "What3Words" api you will ned an api key provided with a free account which will grant you 1000 requests per month.
You can read more here:
Once you have an api key you can use it to search to convert a querry to coordinates.
$ python3 -w <key> <querry> <radius>
The three-word-address will automatically be converted to the corresponding coordinates on the southwest corner of the square.
If no key is provided in the console the script will look for a file wordkey.txt
in the current folder and read the first line of that file as a key. If no file is found it will throw an error.
$ python3 -w <querry> <radius>
$ python3 -w myKey cover.crumble.hint 0.3km
$ python3 -w cover.crumble.hint 0.3km
To use the mapquest api you will need an api key provided with a free account which will grant you 15000 requests per month (which are about 20 per hour if you use the service 24 hours per day)
You can read more here:
Once you have an api key you can use it to search for places.
$ python3 -q <key> <querry> <radius>
The program will then ask you to select one of the top 5 search results. If only one result is found it will be automatically selected.
$ python3 -q myKey "Platz der Republik 1, 11011 Berlin" 0.3km
Search Results:
(1) Käfer Dachgarten-Restaurant im Deutschen Bundestag, 1, Platz der Republik, Tiergarten, Mitte, Berlin, 11011, Deutschland
(2) Deutscher Bundestag, 1, Platz der Republik, Tiergarten, Mitte, Berlin, 11011, Deutschland
Please select an option or type "exit" to exit
If no key is provided in the console the script will look for a file mapkey.txt
in the same folder and read the first line of that file as a key. If no file is found it will throw an error.
$ python3 -q <querry> <radius>