See example.php for a quick setup guide. Tested with a Fargo R8.
Constructor. Makes the initial connection to the Fargo.
String $url - The URL to the Fargo (like or
String $username - Your username
String $password - Your password
String $protocol - Optional. Use this if you want to connect over ssl.
Creates an array of every relay with it's state. 1 = On, 0 = Off
return void all the system data
Returns the state of a given relay
return - 1 = On, 0 = Off, or an out of bounds alert
int $relay_numbered - between 0 and 3 (if its R4) or 7 (if its a R8)
return - Current temperature of the device (in celsius) like 33.0C
return - Time that is set on the fargo Wed 13, 2013
return - Voltage being drawn. Like 10.98 VDC
If the relay is ON, turn it OFF. If the relay is OFF, turn it ON.
return - 1 = On, 0 = Off, or an out of bounds alert
int $relay_numbered - Which relay you want to change
Set all the relays to the same state
bool $state - TRUE = All On, FALSE = All Off
Set a specific relay to a given state.
return - 1 = On, 0 = Off, or an out of bounds alert
int $relay_numbered - Number of the relay you want to change
bool $set_state - TRUE = All On, FALSE = All Off
Used for debugging. Sets the length of time between requests
int $micro_seconds - INT Number of microseconds to wait.