A curated list of TwinCAT resources.
Official Beckhoff pages
- Beckhoff - Main website
- Beckhoff Github - Main Github page
- Infosys - Main resource for datasheets, information and example code.
- TCBSD Packages - Package directory for TwinCAT/BSD
TwinCAT related blogs
- AllTwinCAT by Jakob Sagatowski - The TwinCAT development blog
- Automacaoweb [translated] by Automacaoweb - A large collection of TwinCAT examples and walkthroughs (Portuguese)
- Automate to live by Bram Gurdebeke - A blog about automation and TwinCAT.
- Chris PLC Blog by Chris - An active blog on TwinCAT, TwinCAT Vision, and Robotics
- Contact and Coil by Scott Whitlock - Programming tutorials on TwinCAT 3
- Cook & Code by Roald Ruiter - TwinCAT blog by the author of TcBlack
- Got TwinCAT [translated] by Voronin Nikolai (Russian)
- Kassym Dorsel’s Blog by Kassym TwinCAT 3 development blog
- PLC Coder by Gerhard Barteling - TwinCAT development blog from the author of STweep
- Stefan Henneken by Stefan Henneken - Posts covering TwinCAT, Object oriented programming, .Net and C#
- WJB Automation Blog by Wojciech Bagniewsk - Posts covering TwinCAT and the 3D engine Unity
TwinCAT related forums
- SPS-Forum [translated] - Big German PLC forum, many discussions about TwinCAT 2/3 (German)
- TwinCAT LinkedIn forum - A friendly group of TwinCAT developers
- TwinCAT XAE version overview - Non-official TwinCAT changelog by Bosch Connected Industry
- twinControls - An unofficial "Beckhoff Community" forum
- Fisothemes TwinCAT Libraries A collection of TwinCAT Libraries, such as Dynamic Collections, Hashing Algorithms
- IntecreLibs library Open source library with utility functions for TwinCAT developed by Mark Lazarides.
- mobject Growing open source library based on OOP principles for machine builders.
- OSCAT libraries OSCAT has developed a comprehensive standard library for the IEC61131-3 language
- Struckig Open source library for online, time-optimal, jerk-constrained trajectory-generation for multiple degree-of-freedoms.
- Twingrind Open source call-graph profiling for TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT related repos and github groups
- Beckhoff USA Community Repo - A community collection of samples and examples
- Jack Borelius' Github - A comprehensive collection of Open-source framework controls for TwinCAT HMI
- Non-official TwinCAT changelog - This repo is a community effort which tries to track changes in Beckhoff's TwinCAT software
- Stefanbesler - Collection of TwinCAT repos, including a simple and lightweight JSON decoder.
- TcOpenGroup - Open source libraries and tools for Beckhoffs' TwinCAT3 platform
- TcUnit - An unit testing framework for Beckhoff's TwinCAT 3
TwinCAT video tutorials and YouTube channels worth seeing
- Beckhoff AU - Teachable - Contains free training videos
- Beckhoff Italy Tutorials - A large collection of tutorials from the team in Italy (Italian)
- Beckhoff UK - Virtual Visits - Free videos from the team in Beckhoff UK
- Beckhoff USA learning videos - A collection of free videos teaching TwinCAT, TwinCAT/BSD, Vision, etc...
- Coding Bytes TwinCAT 3 - Non-official Beckhoff video series from the members of Beckhoff Australia
- Coding Bytes TwinCAT HMI - Non-official Beckhoff video series from the members of Beckhoff Australia
- Curso OOP IEC61131-3 PLC by Runtimevic - OOP IEC61131-3 PLC Course (Spanish)
- Electrical Automation Hands-On - Hands-on and practice experience in industrial automation control (Includes TwinCAT)
- Jakob Sagatowski's YouTube channel - Comprehensive tutorials about PLC programming and TwinCAT 3
- Oleg Mueller’s YouTube channel - Video series conveys practical knowledge about TwinCAT 3 PLC and HMI
- PLC programming for beginners - Youtube playlist by Prof. Dr. Stöcker, University of Applied Sciences Hamburg. Perfect for beginners, includes TwinCAT setup and IEC61131 basics (German).
- SquishyBrained YouTube channel - Video series on PLC Programming and TwinCAT
Non-TwinCAT related links, but worth looking at!
- Design Patterns in Object Oriented Programming by Christopher Okhravi - This is a MUST WATCH video series!
- FunFunFunction by MPJ This is a fantastic series for learning JavaScript (great for TwinCAT HMI)
- Link for auto translated pages - Modify this link to make an autotranslated page
Please feel free to request links to be added to this list by raising a new issue on the issues tab.