1. Generate config file
$ python ....\tm-py-scripts\cfgen.py -d breast -transmart -tab data-151.tsv -o data.cfg
2. Adding Patients
$ python ../patgen.py -b -p MYTEST data-2.tsv
- import the patients into the database at this point before step 4
3. Building an Ontology
$ python ../oncgen.py -b -p MYTEST data-2.cfg data-2.tsv
4. Generate Observations
- this needs to have the patients preloaded
$ python ../obsgen.py -b -p MYTEST -k concepts_dim.sql-keys.tsv data-2.tsv
These use the Postgres COPY command for loading bulk data which is much faster
- COPY i2b2demodata.patient_dimension (sex_cd,age_in_years_num,race_cd,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd) FROM '/home/transmart/transmart-data/imports/patient_dim.csv' (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);
NEED TO run this for PUBLIC study
select tm_cz.i2b2_create_security_for_trial('<study_id>', 'N', 0);
copy i2b2demodata.concept_dimension (concept_cd,concept_path,name_char,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd) FROM '/home/transmart/transmart-data/imports/concepts_dim.csv' (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);
copy i2b2metadata.i2b2 (c_hlevel, c_fullname,c_name,c_visualattributes,c_synonym_cd,c_facttablecolumn,c_tablename,c_columnname,c_dimcode,c_tooltip,update_date,download_date,import_date,sourcesystem_cd,c_basecode,c_operator,c_columndatatype,c_comment ,m_applied_path,c_metadataxml) FROM '/home/transmart/transmart-data/imports/i2b2.csv' (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);
copy i2b2demodata.observation_fact (encounter_num,patient_num,concept_cd,start_date,modifier_cd,valtype_cd,tval_char,nval_num,import_date,valueflag_cd,provider_id,location_cd,instance_num,sourcesystem_cd) FROM '/home/transmart/transmart-data/imports/observation_facts.csv' (FORMAT csv, HEADER true);
To add counts to concept tree
select tm_cz.i2b2_create_concept_counts('\Public Studies\TEST58', null);
** To secure a study**
-- this is IMPORTANT to at least set security AFTER loading PATIENT_DIMENSION, the Grid feature JOINs with the PATIENT_TRIAL table to display the demographics info
select tm_cz.I2B2_SECURE_STUDY('', 0); -- trial name must be in UPPERCASE! this will make the STUDY completely secure, not PUBLIC (use individual SQL below to make PUBLIC, )
- select tm_cz.i2b2_create_security_for_trial('PvtRegistry', 'Y', 0); -- study_id, <secured? y/n>,
- select tm_cz.i2b2_load_security_data(0); -- onnly run this if it's a SECURE study
1 adds a concept_cd = 'SECURITY' record to OBSERVATION_FACT 2 adds patients to patient_trial with secure_obj_token
REM this command should work for the above two commands but there is a syntax error somewhere
** REMOVE a study select tm_cz.i2b2_backout_trial('CancerRegistry', '\Public Studies\CancerRegistry', -1);