plomino.easynewsletter extends the Products.EasyNewsletter behavior to allow to define external suscribersource.
In the Plone control panel, go to the "EasyNewsLetter Correspondance" control panel and enter:
One external source by line using the following format
source_group1:/Site1/page1/agent1 source_group2:/Site2/page2/agent2
st = [{ "salutation" : "salut", "fullname" : "Davisp Pylon", "email" : "[email protected]"}, { "salutation" : "hello", "fullname" : "Joe Travis", "email" : "[email protected]"}, ] return st
This code is an example of agent in plomino : the address to use it is /Site1/page1/agent1 and not /Site1/page1/agent1/runAgent
Add plomino.easynewsletter to your buildout eggs.
It depends on:
- CMFPlomino
- Products.EasyNewsletter
- Julien Marinescu davisp1 <[email protected]>