The project is the implementation in Java of the game Santorini through the MVC pattern
- Complete rules
- Socket
- Advanced Gods (as advanced functionality)
In this section there are all the documents used to realize the design of the game
The follow uml describes the structure of the project
The follow documentation describe all method and class of project with java style, it is possible to see it at this link : Javadoc
Library/Plugin | Description |
maven | management tool for Java's software and build automation |
junit | Java's framework for unit testing |
Swing | Java graphic library |
The follow jars are used to launch the software, how to launch this jar are described in section called Jar execution, it is possible to see them at this link: Jars.
Package | Coverage |
model | 97% lines coverage |
controller | 94% lines coverage |
message and exception | 100% lines coverage |
To see a full report click on this link Report
To launch the game is necessary at first to launch the server with the follow command
java -jar server.jar
The client is executed choosing the interface to play with, it is possible to choose GUI or CLI. The follow sections describe how launch GUI or CLI.
To launch the CLI you must launch the client with a terminal that supports UTF-8 encoding and ANSI escapes. This is the command to digit:
java -jar client.jar -c
To launch the GUI you must write:
java -jar client.jar