What's Changed
- feat: add support for Windsurf IDE by @hunnywar in #1595
- feat: add support for VSCodium by @hunnywar in #1603
- feat: add support for VS Code Insiders IDE by @hunnywar in #1610
- fix: install.sh permission leak by @Tpuljak in #1686
- fix: check version in install script by @Tpuljak in #1688
- fix: remove trailing slash from API routes by @Tpuljak in #1697
- fix: handle daemon already running by @idagelic in #1699
- fix: only modify ssh config file when required by @Tpuljak in #1700
- samples: add Kotlin/JetpackCompose - HopeChain by @anuragkanojiya1 in #1518
- samples: gitUrl updated by @RafsanNeloy in #1519
- samples: add copilotkit-weather-bot by @JanumalaAkhilendra in #1520
- samples: add astro restaurant app by @SwikarGautam in #1523
- samples: add nextjs - book summary by @Abhishekkhare77 in #1522
- samples: add coinbase connect by @ayush-that in #1529
- samples: add ejs thoughts web app by @parikshitadhikari in #1531
- samples: add QuoteSmith by @pheonix-coder in #1532
- samples: Devbot project added by @supra2026 in #1533
- samples: python - ai recipe generator by @anurag-b72 in #1536
- samples: nextjs nexus framework by @rahu-02 in #1537
- samples: added progify by @Samundra-Subedi in #1538
- samples: add nextjs sudoku game by @Sandesh-Pyakurel in #1539
- samples: adding pr tracker by @JeevaRamanathan in #1542
- samples: Add sample React calendar app to Daytona's sample index by @anushamahajan5 in #1544
- samples: react tutor connect by @UdaykiranRegimudi in #1540
- samples: add sample-astro-pet-pilot by @drk025 in #1541
- samples: add recipe finder by @ushadevi-max in #1543
- samples: add Ecotrack by @contribsamar in #1550
- samples: added sample django courier manager by @rupacesigdel in #1548
- samples: Added Sample Python Rag Slim by @atul171223 in #1551
- samples: adding project description in index.json by @Adity20 in #1549
- samples: updated index.json by @pradeeptosarkar in #1553
- samples: adds Rust HTTP Server by @priyanshuverma-dev in #1558
- samples: Updated index.json by @nothing-mann in #1557
- samples: Integrated Opinion Panel by @gear-netics in #1559
- samples: add nextjs - story generator by @GyanPrakashK in #1560
- samples: Python C.A.L.M App by @CodeProcastinator in #1556
- samples: Update index.json with sample next.js gemini app by @steffy-lo in #1561
- samples: rag chatbot by @VishalPokharel in #1562
- samples: laravel url extractor by @ShahriarHim in #1565
- samples: JavaScript Restaurant by @Priyadav17 in #1563
- samples: Added https://github.com/daytonaio/sample-django-wellness-buddy to in… by @samaras in #1569
- samples: Add Romanch's Sample by @codedpool in #1568
- samples: pr raied for index.json by @sayantan007pal in #1570
- samples: add PHP url shortener by @Lymah123 in #1571
- samples: update sample index.json by @palsayantan007 in #1546
- samples: Sample Added by @Adii0906 in #1573
- samples: Added rust actix server Sample by @programmersoham in #1574
- samples: add python fastapi by @JackTheMico in #1583
- samples: Samples: Added smart news flow to index.json by @Precious-Macaulay in #1572
- samples: Update index.json by @sonu2164 in #1585
- samples: Add Krishi Mitra (Farmer assistance Web app) in index.json by @DikshaDhasmana in #1587
- samples: Add sample entry to index.json by @FrankNeba in #1582
- samples: updated index file by @shreyajaiswal17 in #1593
- samples: HealthBot AI: Initial Pull Request by @NyuydineBill in #1596
- samples: chore: Added Nextjs Aceternity UI sample by @AkashJana18 in #1597
- samples: Updated index.json by @sujal-98 in #1599
- samples: added link of store by @Licarsmeth in #1580
- samples: Update index.json by @sanketshinde3001 in #1588
- samples: Add my sample("PathGenX-LearningPath Generator") to the index by @Raghunani12 in #1594
- samples: Update index.json with Movies_DB project details. by @AbhishekSavant-005 in #1589
- samples: Priority based todo-list with Daytona by @Vaishnavi-Raykar in #1607
- samples: Add 'text-formatter' sample project to index.json by @Mohiit70 in #1575
- samples: Add EchoBrain project to Daytona sample index by @BigBang001 in #1615
- samples: Add my sample to index.json by @rajesh-adk-137 in #1613
- samples: Add cricket-quira to index.json by @Lavavarshney in #1616
- samples: Update index.json by @Jitankasarkar in #1618
- samples: update entry in index.json by @singodiyashubham87 in #1621
- samples: Added the name , description , gitUrl of my project incentix in the index.json file by @ArshTiwari2004 in #1622
- samples: Add Dreamify to Daytona's sample index by @sneha-4-22 in #1624
- samples: hackhound by @aayushman-singh in #1625
- samples: Add Discord Bot with Image Generation sample by @TheCoderAdi in #1629
- samples: Update in index.json by @SpandanM110 in #1605
- samples: add Next.js - Hotel Booking Site by @VIBHAS3077 in #1631
- samples: Update index.json by @ayushmanlakshkar in #1632
- samples: Updated hack/samples/index.json by @Ankur2606 in #1634
- samples: added python+llmware+tkinter/chatbot by @rustam27332 in #1639
- samples: added project info in sample index by @Mohiit70 in #1638
- samples: added project info in sample index by @SxxAq in #1635
- samples: add md previewer sample by @AIR-EMPREES-GAMING in #1641
- samples: added orbit-wallet4 by @ayaanoski in #1642
- samples: added target by @Prince94201 in #1645
- samples: Vashude Builder Ai by @saurabh007007 in #1649
- samples: FemOvaAI project-s for daytona challenge by @akshitagupta15june in #1636
- samples: updated json by @Bhanu-partap-13 in #1651
- samples: joke generator by @SwarnabhR in #1653
- samples: Added sample project for Daytona challenge -s by @sushanthk-262 in #1640
- samples: added "sundown-studios" by @Ashulovesmaa2003 in #1656
- samples: Add ToDo sample by @SagarSharma101 in #1658
- samples: updates index.json by @Ronit-afk55 in #1661
- samples: SNAKE-CHAIN5 by @Aanwiie in #1660
- samples: Gemini Chat App with Daytona by @Naveenkwr in #1679
- samples: Add sample to Daytona's sample index by @FredDiPasqua in #1676
- samples: Add my project details Bank Chor to index.json by @harshsinghcs in #1643
- samples: Adding project crypto tracker by @Suyash878 in #1663
- samples: Added MindAly-Daytona by @Aashish079 in #1687
- samples: Add Ada, COBOL, Fortran and R by @s-celles in #1534
New Contributors
- @anuragkanojiya1 made their first contribution in #1518
- @RafsanNeloy made their first contribution in #1519
- @JanumalaAkhilendra made their first contribution in #1520
- @SwikarGautam made their first contribution in #1523
- @Abhishekkhare77 made their first contribution in #1522
- @ayush-that made their first contribution in #1529
- @parikshitadhikari made their first contribution in #1531
- @pheonix-coder made their first contribution in #1532
- @supra2026 made their first contribution in #1533
- @anurag-b72 made their first contribution in #1536
- @rahu-02 made their first contribution in #1537
- @Samundra-Subedi made their first contribution in #1538
- @Sandesh-Pyakurel made their first contribution in #1539
- @JeevaRamanathan made their first contribution in #1542
- @anushamahajan5 made their first contribution in #1544
- @UdaykiranRegimudi made their first contribution in #1540
- @drk025 made their first contribution in #1541
- @ushadevi-max made their first contribution in #1543
- @contribsamar made their first contribution in #1550
- @rupacesigdel made their first contribution in #1548
- @atul171223 made their first contribution in #1551
- @Adity20 made their first contribution in #1549
- @pradeeptosarkar made their first contribution in #1553
- @priyanshuverma-dev made their first contribution in #1558
- @nothing-mann made their first contribution in #1557
- @gear-netics made their first contribution in #1559
- @GyanPrakashK made their first contribution in #1560
- @CodeProcastinator made their first contribution in #1556
- @steffy-lo made their first contribution in #1561
- @VishalPokharel made their first contribution in #1562
- @ShahriarHim made their first contribution in #1565
- @Priyadav17 made their first contribution in #1563
- @samaras made their first contribution in #1569
- @codedpool made their first contribution in #1568
- @sayantan007pal made their first contribution in #1570
- @Lymah123 made their first contribution in #1571
- @palsayantan007 made their first contribution in #1546
- @Adii0906 made their first contribution in #1573
- @programmersoham made their first contribution in #1574
- @JackTheMico made their first contribution in #1583
- @Precious-Macaulay made their first contribution in #1572
- @sonu2164 made their first contribution in #1585
- @DikshaDhasmana made their first contribution in #1587
- @FrankNeba made their first contribution in #1582
- @shreyajaiswal17 made their first contribution in #1593
- @NyuydineBill made their first contribution in #1596
- @AkashJana18 made their first contribution in #1597
- @sujal-98 made their first contribution in #1599
- @Licarsmeth made their first contribution in #1580
- @sanketshinde3001 made their first contribution in #1588
- @Raghunani12 made their first contribution in #1594
- @AbhishekSavant-005 made their first contribution in #1589
- @Vaishnavi-Raykar made their first contribution in #1607
- @Mohiit70 made their first contribution in #1575
- @BigBang001 made their first contribution in #1615
- @rajesh-adk-137 made their first contribution in #1613
- @Lavavarshney made their first contribution in #1616
- @Jitankasarkar made their first contribution in #1618
- @singodiyashubham87 made their first contribution in #1621
- @ArshTiwari2004 made their first contribution in #1622
- @sneha-4-22 made their first contribution in #1624
- @aayushman-singh made their first contribution in #1625
- @TheCoderAdi made their first contribution in #1629
- @SpandanM110 made their first contribution in #1605
- @VIBHAS3077 made their first contribution in #1631
- @ayushmanlakshkar made their first contribution in #1632
- @Ankur2606 made their first contribution in #1634
- @rustam27332 made their first contribution in #1639
- @SxxAq made their first contribution in #1635
- @AIR-EMPREES-GAMING made their first contribution in #1641
- @ayaanoski made their first contribution in #1642
- @Prince94201 made their first contribution in #1645
- @saurabh007007 made their first contribution in #1649
- @akshitagupta15june made their first contribution in #1636
- @Bhanu-partap-13 made their first contribution in #1651
- @SwarnabhR made their first contribution in #1653
- @sushanthk-262 made their first contribution in #1640
- @Ashulovesmaa2003 made their first contribution in #1656
- @SagarSharma101 made their first contribution in #1658
- @Ronit-afk55 made their first contribution in #1661
- @Aanwiie made their first contribution in #1660
- @Naveenkwr made their first contribution in #1679
- @FredDiPasqua made their first contribution in #1676
- @harshsinghcs made their first contribution in #1643
- @Suyash878 made their first contribution in #1663
- @Aashish079 made their first contribution in #1687
Full Changelog: v0.50.0...v0.51.0