Build the resources in the thridParty/pcm
directory according to the repository's README. Ensure a file named
'' can be found thirdParty/pcm/build/lib
. Otherwise, the linker information in the CMakeLists.txt needs to
be adjusted.
First, make sure that you have cmake 3.10 (or newer) installed on your system and configure the CMakeLists.txt to meet
your needs. Check if the right compiler flags are set for your system and don't forget to link the library to
your executable (target_link_libraries(<excetutable-name>
Execute the below command to initialze cmake.
cmake .
And build your executable. The important linker information (to find pcm) are automatically set by cmake.
cmake --build . --target <executable-name>
The compiled programm can be found in the diectory bin
Before executing the excecutable, make sure execute
sudo modprobe msr
PCM needs to root-access to work properly. So you need to run the exceutable as root.
sudo bin/<executable-name>