A basic multi client, multiroom tcp chat server written in GO, can be accessed with telnet. I wrote this to further explore GO routines, unbuffered channels and the net package. Only tested on OSX. Supports basic multi room and multiple simultaneous connections.
go build server.go
- Starting the server:
/server --help
Usage of ./server:
-ip string
IP address to listen on (default "")
-port string
Port to listen on (default "8181")
- Connecting to the server:
telnet 8181
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
please enter name: dbnegative
* Welcome dbnegative *
\listrooms list all online users
\create create a new room
\join join a room
\help prints all available commands
\quit quit
please enter room name: testroom
* room testroom has been created *
* 29/03/2016 19:18:08 * (dbnegative): "hi" *