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Lesson 1 The subgraph operator

Christopher Rost edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 13 revisions

Test Data Schema

LDBC Schema

All labels start with a lowercase letter in our dataset, so please use 'person' instead of 'Person' in your tasks.

Task 1 - Filter by label

  • Create a subgraph that contains ‘person’ vertices and ‘knows’ edges only.

Use the ByLabel class to filter for vertices/edges of a specific label.

graph = graph.subgraph(new ByLabel<>("person"), new ByLabel<>("knows"));

Task 2 - Logical operators

  • Get universities and persons that used the browser Firefox.
  • Include all relationships between these vertices.
Some help
  • Use the function .vertexInducedSubgraph() to only filter for vertices and get all edges between them.
  • Use the ByLabel or LabelIsIn classes to filter for vertices/edges of a specific label.
  • Use the ByProperty class to filter for elements with a specific property and optional a value.
  • Use the And and Or classes to build boolean relations.
graph = graph.vertexInducedSubgraph(
    new Or<>(
      new ByLabel<>("university"),
      new And<>(new ByLabel<>("person"), new ByProperty<>("browserUsed", PropertyValue.create("Firefox")))));

Task 3 - User-defined filter

  • Some edge types have a creationDate property. Get all edges that contain this property and are crated in the period [2012-01-01 00:00 , 2012-01-05 00:00) by using a user-defined edge filter function.
  • Only the source and target vertices of these edges should be included.
  • Optional: Use parameters (by adding a constructor) to define the lower and upper bound for the condition.
Some help
  • Use the function .edgeInducedSubgraph() to only filter for edges and get all connected vertices.
  • You can check the availability of a property by edge.hasProperty("myProperty").
  • You get the value of a propety by calling edge.getPropertyValue("myProperty").get{dataType}()

This is the solution of the task with the optional subtask included.

graph = graph.edgeInducedSubgraph(
    new CreatedInPeriod<>(LocalDateTime.of(2012, 1, 1, 0, 0), LocalDateTime.of(2012, 1, 5, 0, 0)));
private static class CreatedInPeriod<E extends Edge> implements FilterFunction<E> {

  private LocalDateTime lowerBound, upperBound;

  public CreatedInPeriod(LocalDateTime start, LocalDateTime end) {
    this.lowerBound = start;
    this.upperBound = end;

  public boolean filter(E edge) throws Exception {
    if (edge.hasProperty("creationDate")) {
      LocalDateTime creationDate = edge.getPropertyValue("creationDate").getDateTime();
      return (creationDate.isEqual(lowerBound) || creationDate.isAfter(lowerBound)) &&
    return false;