- Create python3 environment (mandatory) - tested using python=3.6.5
python3 -m venv /path/to/new/virtual/environment
- will generate error if you use
- will generate error if you use
- activate that environment
source /path_to_new_virtual_environment/bin/activate
- Install all packages found in
filepip install -r "requirements.txt"
- might need to upgrade pip first
pip install --upgrade pip
- install those specific package versions
- for newer cuda versions > 9.1 use newer tensorflow-gpu >= 1.14
- might need to upgrade pip first
- Also install ffmpeg = 3.4.2 -- any version should be fine I think
- Error
'cv2.cv2' has no attribute 'TrackerCSRT_create'
- occurs if
is installed before opencv-python - solution:
pip uninstall opencv-contrib-python
thenpip install opencv-contrib-python
- occurs if
- navigate to
and runsh download_model.sh
- If this step is skipped, you will get the error
ImportError: cannot import name 'label_map_util'
- If this step is skipped, you will get the error
create list of names in textfile. eg. celeb_names.lst
run script
./run_main.sh names_list gpu_num exp_dir
./run_main.sh celeb_names.lst 1 exp_ex
You can configure each of scripts to use a percentage of GPU. It's already setup in the code.
- Eg. Change line 110 in
from 0.8 to 0.25 to use 25% of GPU
This script reads a text file line by line and calls
You can run the code on a single person by directly calling./run_av_recipe.sh args
- Eg. Change line 110 in
Folder Structure
- exp_ex
- Barack Obama
- images --> downloaded images folder used to create template_face.
- videos ---> downloaded youtube videos with frame rates not processed yet.
- video_processing
--> youtube ID- pyavi
- video.avi --> modified video that is used for all processing. Deleted after processing to save space
- pytmp
- pywork
- activesd.pckl --> output of syncnet
- alltracks.pckl
- faces.pckl --> output of face_verification_tracking.py script
- fps.txt --> resampled to 25 fps if frame rate is greater than 25. Else keep at original rate
- frame_confs.pckl --> frame_level confidence of vid_audio match. syncnet output
- offsets.txt first --> tracklet offset and confidence values.
- scenes.pckl
- tracks.pckl --> output of syncnet run_pipeline.py script
- pyavi
- -F36RtHH4hY.txt . --> output: stored as youtubeID.txt.
- 85gmwnfty7o.txt
- done.txt --> should be deleted manually if you want to reprocess "Barack Obama Folder"
- template_face.npy --> output of utils/face_template.py script. vector that represents Obama's face
- Mo Salah
- Son Heung Min
- Stephen A Smith
- Barack Obama
- exp_ex
- compile a list of youtube_channel urls.
- modify run_unsup_recipe.sh with your urls.
- run
- Eg:
./run_unsup_recipe.sh gpu_num exp_dir
- Eg:
./run_unsup_recipe.sh 1 exp_tunisia
- outputs stored as youtubeID.num.txt. Eg:
.8.txt - output stored in
folder where each textfile is for a unique individual
The project can be split into two primary tasks. The first task is the case where the user provides a text file with a list of celebrites or persons of interest. For each person in the text, the system identifies times segments in a youtube video when that person is talking and stores the time segments as a text file. This task is a supervised search of a specific individual in a youtube video. The second task is unsupervised. This system was developed for the case where there might not be enough data for individuals in a particular language, eg. GA Language. In this scenario, the user provides a youtube channel where the people in that channel speak that relatively obscure language. The system then downloads videos from this channel and performs both intra-video clustering and inter-video clustering to obtain a unique voice corresponding to a unique speaker.
The input to this system is just a name. The system then follows the procedure outlined below and returns time segments in a youtube video when the individual is visible in the video and talking.
The system takes in as input a name, eg.
Elie Khoury
, and appends the word "face" or "photo" to it - i.eElie Khoury photo.
The system then performs automatic google images search and downloads the top K results.Eg usage: ./utils/download_images.py --search_term="Elie Khoury face" --num_images=25 --output_dir='~/output_folder'
The primary reason for the images download is to use them to create a "template face" that will be used to compare to faces in a youtube video. The idea is that by searching for a person's face using google-images, most of the pictures returned will be the person of interest. There may be the pictures which belong to other people. To solve this issue, the pictures were download and Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) based face detection is ran across all pictures. A VGG-face feature vector is extracted for each face. Lastly DBSCAN clustering is used to cluster faces with distance threshold set to 0.4. We assume the largest cluster after DBSCAN will belong to the person of interest. We then average the vectors that belong to the largest cluster - this vector is what will be the template face.
Eg usage: ./utils/face_templates.py --img_dir="download_images_dir --output_file="templat_face.npy'
The system takes in as input a name, eg.
Elie Khoury
, and appends the word "interview" to it - i.eElie Khoury interview.
The system then uses youtube-dl to download top K video results from this search.Eg usage: ./utils/download_videos.py --search_term="Desmond Caulley interview" --num_videos=10 --output_dir='~/output_vid_folder'
The next step is to find the template face in the youtube videos. For each youtube video, we first use pyscenedetect package to break down the video into various scenes and shots. For each scene, we run HOG face detection. We then compare each detected face to our template face for a match - verification. The threshold for verifying the template face with detected faces is max_distance=0.35. Once a face is verified, we track that face using OpenCV's implementation of CSRT. To make sure we are properly tracking a face, we take a histogram of the face when it's first detected. For each subsequent frame, we compare the histogram of the tracked face with the original histogram. Threshold for correct histogram tracking is set at 0.85.
Eg usage: ./utils/face_verification_tracking.py --video_file="inputvid.mp4" --template_file="template_face.npy" --output_scenes="scenes.pckl" --output_faces="faces.pckl" --scoring_type="cosine" --threshold=0.35
Once the faces have been detected and tracked, we need to smooth out the boundary boxes of the face. This is a median smoothing of the temporal evolution of the rectangular boxes of faces. Mini videos are cropped which will be passed into a syncnet.
Eg usage: python ./syncnet_python_rev/run_pipeline.py --video_file="input_vid" --data_dir="output_dir" --reference="video_id" --scenes_file="scenes.pckl" --search_faces=0 --faces_file=faces.pckl" --min_track=25
Syncnet is used to determine the offset between face/lips movement with the audio. If there is delay between audio and video, absolute value of the offset is 0. If the video doesn't match audio, offset is large. Additionally, sycnet outputs a confidence value. The higher the confidence value, the more confident sync_net is about the given offset.
Eg usage: python ./syncnet_python_rev/run_syncnet_cuda.py --data_dir="output_dir" --reference="video_id"
The last step is processing the output of syncet and correctly identifying the time segments where syncet was confident there was audio-video synchronization. The output is a textfile with time intervals where the particular person of interest was in a video and talking.
Eg usage: ./utils/audio_visual_sync_match.py --exp_dir="exp_dir" --video_id="vid_name" --output_file="vid_name.txt
This system was developed for the case where there might not be enough celebrities to search for a particular language. For example if you wanted to collect data for 150 people speaking the GA language - my native Ghanaian language - it might be hard to compile 150 celebrities who speak this language and have videos on youtube. The solution, however, is to use unsupervised diarization. In this case, we need to identify a TV channel where the primary people that show up on that channel speak that particular language of interest. Hopefully this TV channel has a corresponding youtube channel that we can use as the primary source for videos. The idea is that we can obtain data from "random people" instead of having a celebrity list. To do this, we can do clustering of all people/voices in a particular video. Second, we can do inter-video clustering to make sure a particular person that appears on two different videos is not being classified as two different people.
The user provides as input the url to a youtube channel along with a matchword. An example matchword is "interview". The system proceeds to find youtube videos in that channel that has the specific matchword in the title. The system then downloads user specified number of these videos. This can be done for multiple youtube channels.
Eg usage: ./utils/download_videos_channel.py --youtube_channel="channel_url" --match_term="match_word" --num_videos=100 --output_dir="output_dir"
For each video downloaded video, the system does face tracking for all faces that appear in the video. This part of the system is heavily borrowed from the syncnet pre-processing software. The output is mini-tracklets/video_crops of various tracked faces from the video. A modification to the syncnet code is the addition of the input term search_faces, which is set for 1 in this case. For the supervised case, search_faces is set to 0 since face search is done by utils/face_verification_tracking.py module
Eg usage: python ./syncnet_python_rev/run_pipeline.py --video_file="input_vid" --data_dir="output_dir" --reference="video_id" --scenes_file="scenes.pckl" --search_faces=1 --min_track=25
Minitracklets, which are the outputs of the
, needs to be clustered. To do this, we sample a few frames, maybe 20, from each mini_tracklet. The system then performs face recognition and extracts VGG-face vectors. The vectors are averaged and will be the representative vector for that tracklet. Last, the system uses agglomerative clustering with threshold set to 0.4 to determine which tracklets belong together.Eg usage: ./utils/visual_diarization_single.py --exp_dir="video_processing_folder" --curr_vid="vid_name" --output_dir="output_dir/visual_diarization" --min_time=200
Without doing this across video clustering, we will be assuming that individuals in one video do not appear in other videos. Thus if we got 3 people in videoA and 4 people in videoB, then there will be a total of 7 people with 7 unique voices. However, we know some people might appear in both videoA and videoB and we can do across video clustering to solve this problem. This clustering is also done using agglomerative clustering method with threshold set to 0.4.
Eg usage: ./utils/visual_diarization_across.py --exp_dir="video_processing_folder" --output_dir="exp_dir/unsup_output"
Download face landmark detection file and place in the utils/conf. https://www.dropbox.com/sh/t5h024w0xkedq0j/AABS3GprqIvb_PwqeHOn2dxNa?dl=0&file_subpath=%2Fshape_predictor_194_face_landmarks.dat&preview=shape_predictor_194_face_landmarks.zip
- takes as input a directory with .txt files. Each .txt file contains IDed time segments for a particular celeb. This script sums up all the times in all the .txt filesdownload_images.py
- takes as input a search term. Eg. "Elie Khoury face" and uses google_images_download api to download top results. User can specify how many images to downloaddownload_videos.py
- takes as input a search term. Eg. "Elie Khoury interview" and youtube-dl to download top results. User can specify how many videos to downloaddownload_videos.py
- takes as input a search term. Eg. "Elie Khoury interview" and youtube-dl to download top results. User can specify how many videos to downloaddownload_videos_channel.py
- takes as input a youtube channel url. It also takes in a match term, eg. "interview", so it can download only videos with that matchword in the title. User can specify the number of videos to download from the channel.face_templates.py
- takes as input directory to images. Uses VGG-face and DBSCAN clustering to find the most common face (mode face). Stores 2048-dimensional vector representing that face.face_to_times.py
- takes as input faces.pckl file. And returns total time in which the face of the person of interest has been identified. There is smoothing done to account for some of the discontinuities in detected face.face_verification_tracking.py
- takes as input a video, and also the templace face. It searches template-face in the video and uses CSRT based tracking to track the face. Face pixel histogram is used to assist tracking as well. Threshold value for 'cosine' similarity score set at 0.35.frame_rate_adjust.py
- changes frame rate fps of video to a set value.replay_face_verif_demo.py
- takes in two argument, the fps-adjusted video, and the obtained faces ID'd in the video. The output is a demo of the video playing with rectangular box surrounding the face.replay_unsupervised_faces_demo.py
- takes in two arguments, the fps-adjusted video, and the obtained faces from unsupervised-diarization-procedure stored as .npy file. The outcome is each ID'd person as unique - Create python3 environment (mandatory) - tested using python=3.6.5
Syncnet Implementation by Chung et. all
@InProceedings{Chung16a, author = "Chung, J.~S. and Zisserman, A.", title = "Out of time: automated lip sync in the wild", booktitle = "Workshop on Multi-view Lip-reading, ACCV", year = "2016", }