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Pastebin API wrapper for Deno 🦕

A tiny Deno module to interact with Pastebin's API.


This module is a fork and improved Deno version of pastebin-api by Dev-CasperTheGhost. Credits goes to them for the base.


Simply import from the library and use the available methods. You have to create an account and use the unique Developer API Key pastebin provides in order to interact with the API service using this module.

import { PasteClient } from "";

const client = new PasteClient("<devKey here>");

Let's create a new paste as a Guest. It does not require user keys.

const url = await client.create({
  // Required. The content (code) of the paste.
  code: "<content of the paste>",

  // Everything else, OPTIONALS.
  // If empty, it will paste as guest.
  // userKey: "<user token here>",

  // Defaults to "Untitled".
  name: "<title for your paste>",
  // 0 = public, 1 = unlisted, 2 = private
  publicity: 0,
  // Syntax-Highlighting format. Defaults to "text".
  format: "bf", // BrainF*ck
  // Defaults to "N" = never.
  expireDate: "10M", // 10 Minutes
  // Name of an existing folder to save the paste to.
  folderKey: "<folder name>",

// "url" is the URL to the new paste.

Oh, wanna create pastes for the user? With user's account? Get a session token using their password and username.

const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");
console.log(userKey); // Keep it private.

Then you can use that userKey for further use, and it can be used to create new pastes under their account.

Just like before, try creating a paste but with the parameter userKey.

const url = await client.create({
  code: "<content of the paste>",
  userKey: userKey,
  // ...

url is the URL to the new paste.

Available Methods

Create a Paste

In order to create a private paste or on behalf of a user, you need to get userKey first. See how to get one. Otherwise, the paste will be created in Guest mode, which you cannot delete or edit after it's creation.

const client = new PasteClient("DEV_API_KEY");

const url = await client.create({
  code: "const something = 'Hello World!'",
  expireDate: "N",
  format: "typescript",
  name: "hello-world.ts",
  publicity: 0,



Name Type Description Required
code string The code you want to push true
expireDate string Sets the expire date of the paste. Available expiry dates. false
format string The Syntax format. See available formats. false
name string The name of your paste (Limit of 100 characters) false
publicity number 0 Public | 1 Unlisted | 2 Private false
folderKey string The folder key (id) false
userKey string The user key got from client.login() false

Back to Methods

Login using username and password

The userKey can be used for further usage like, Creating a new paste, Deleting pastes created by that user, Getting user info and default settings, or to Get user's private paste's raw content, etc.

const client = new PasteClient("DEV_API_KEY");
const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");


Name Type Description Required
name string The user's name true
password string The user's password true

Back to Methods

Delete a paste

You can only delete user-created (Not created as Guest) pastes. For that you need userKey. See how to get one.

You also need the key of the paste you want to delete - pasteKey. Paste key is the part of the url which comes after

For example, in, the abcd1234 is the key of the paste.

const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");
// Will return true if deleted successfully.
const deleted = await client.deletePaste({
  userKey: userKey,
  pasteKey: "paste-key-here",


Name Type Description Required
userKey string The userKey returned from client.login true
pasteKey string The key (id) of the paste true

Back to Methods

Get Raw Paste

You can get the raw paste (code) of a paste using this method. To get raw public or unlisted paste, you can use,

// Get raw paste from URL
const fromUrl = await client.getRaw("");
// Get raw paste from ID
const fromId = await client.getRaw("z2qSHJqf");

// => raw paste string
console.log({ fromUrl, fromId });

To get raw paste output of user's pastes including 'private' pastes,

const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");

// Get raw paste using userKey.
const withUserKey = await pb.getRaw({
  pasteKey: "xxxxxxx",
  userKey: token,

// => raw paste string


Name Type Description Required
userKey string The userKey returned from client.login true
pasteKey string The key (id) of the paste true

Back to Methods

Get User's pastes

You can list all the pastes created by a user using this method.

const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");
const pastes = await client.getPastes({
  userKey: userKey,
  limit: 100, // Min: 1, Max: 1000, Default: 50
// An array of pastes


Name Type Description Required
userKey string The userKey returned from client.login true
limit number The limit of pastes to get false

Back to Methods

Get User Account info

You can obtain a user's personal information and certain settings using this method.

const userKey = await client.login("username", "password");
const userInfo = await client.getUser(userKey);


Name Type Description Required
userKey string The userKey returned from client.login true

Back to Methods

Pull requests are welcome!

Made with ❤️

Licensed under MIT (c) 2022 dcdunkan.