Make a pull request to add your github username a file with your github username as it's name to players/. The file should contain the number 10. Then ping Jeff so you can be added to the repo collaborators.
If jeffkaufman doesn't add you to the list of repo collaborators, ping him to ask him to. This will allow you to press the merge button yourself.
Once you're playing, propose rule changes by making pull requests. There are no turns, just go for it. Vote on other people's changes by reviewing them. Use the dashboard found at to track which PRs you haven't reviewed.
The winner is the first player where a master build (run in response to merging a PR) fails, saying they're the winner.
Pull requests can only be merged if, running on master, decides they should be. and .travis.yml are out of bounds.
After your pull request has gotten all of its approvals you'll need to restart the Travis build before the build will go green. depends on some environment variables that TravisCI sets. To run locally you can do:
TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST_SHA=$(git log -1 --format='%H') \
TRAVIS_PULL_REQUEST=<your PR number> \
TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG=jeffkaufman/nomic \