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DDEV OpenSearch Add-on

This addon sets up two services in your DDEV project.

  • OpenSearch service (Docker Image: opensearchproject/opensearch:latest)
  • OpenSearch Dashboards service (Docker Image: opensearchproject/opensearch-dashboards:latestopensearch:latest)

We activate these plugins out-of-the-box:

  • analysis-phonetic
  • analysis-icu

To change the version, update the .ddev/opensearch/Dockerfile for the main OpenSearch Service. Update the file .ddev/docker-compose.opensearch.yaml for a compatible Dashboards version.


  1. Run ddev add-on get ddev/ddev-opensearch to install the addon in your exiting DDEV project.
  2. ddev restart to restart your project.


To modify the build of the used OpenSearch image for the container there are dotenv variables available.

  • OPENSEARCH_TAG - The version of the OpenSearch image to use. Default: latest
  • OPENSEARCH_DASHBOARDS_TAG - The version of the OpenSearch Dashboards image to use. Default: latest
  • INSTALL_PLUGIN_ANALYSIS_PHONETIC - Install the analysis-phonetic plugin. Default: true
  • INSTALL_PLUGIN_ANALYSIS_ICU - Install the analysis-icu plugin. Default: true

Use the ddev dotenv command to set these variables.


ddev dotenv set .ddev/.env.opensearch \
    --opensearch-tag=2.15.0 \
    --opensearch-dashboards-tag=2.15.0 \
    --install-plugin-analysis-phonetic=false \

# rebuild opensearch image (required step)
ddev debug rebuild -s opensearch

# remove old opensearch volume (if this is downgrade)
ddev stop
docker volume rm ddev-$(ddev status -j | docker run -i --rm ddev/ddev-utilities jq -r '')_opensearch

# and restart the project
ddev restart


After installation, you can access the OpenSearch instance by visiting https://<yourname> (encrypted) or http://<yourname>

The Dashboards can be accessed via: https://<yourname>

Run ddev describe to list your project's services and their URLs.


All logs are directed to the container's stdout.

You can view the logs with ddev logs -s opensearch and ddev logs -s opensearch-dashboards

Contributed and maintained by @cmuench from @netz98 org

Co-maintained by @stasadev