IDAScope is a Neovim plugin that integrates IDA Pro with Telescope, allowing efficient exploration and analysis of functions within IDA Pro directly from Neovim (btw).
- Function Listing: Retrieve and search functions from IDA Pro.
- Previews: View decompiled pseudocode or assembly code within Telescope.
- Export Function Data: Write previewed content to files with appropriate extensions.
- Automated Installation: Simplify the setup of the IDA Pro Python plugin.
- Neovim: Ensure you have Neovim 0.5 or higher installed.
- Telescope.nvim: A highly extendable fuzzy finder over lists.
- Plenary.nvim: Lua library for Neovim plugins.
On first installation, the Neovim plugin runs a script automating the creation of symlink to your $IDAUSR/plugins directory per the ida_plugins_dir
configuration option.
For example:
chris: ~/.idapro/plugins $ realpath
Once idascope is installed using the config provided, a shortcut command is created and can be called with nvim -c IDAScope
To use, First start IDA with the
as a script to initialize the server or start the server within the UI. Then you can run nvim -c IDAScope
: Switch preview to assembly<C-d>
: Switch preview to decompiled code<CR>
: Export the currently previewed content to a file and open it
Add the following to your lazy.nvim
-- idascope.lua
return {
"dead-null/idascope", url = "",
cmd = { "IDAScope" },
keys = {
desc = "Open IDAScope with Telescope",
dependencies = {
config = function()
local ida_plugin = require("telescope_ida")
local telescope = require("telescope")
defaults = {
preview = {
scroll_strategy = "cycle",
server_url = "http://localhost:65432/", -- XML-RPC server URL
default_extension = ".c", -- Default file extension for exported files
verbose = false, -- Enable verbose logging
ida_plugins_dir = "/path/to/your/IDAUSR/plugins", -- Specify the IDA Pro plugins directory
check_if_installed = false, -- Check if the Python plugin is already installed
vim.api.nvim_create_user_command("IDAScope", function(args)
local xml_url = (args.args ~= "") and args.args or ida_plugin.ida_xml_server
end, {
nargs = "?",
desc = "IDAScope",