v0.1.0 released!
Pre-release32aef48 feat(action): implement IPC & methods for action buttons
8717390 refactor(app): restructure ./src, add app icon, set up packaging
163d95b feat(cosmetic): implement custom titlebar
d6ec47f feat(cosmetic): implement dark theme
5864350 feat(cosmetic): lay foundation for cosmetic overhaul
2d4902a feat(data): show daemon descriptions
8a1f747 feat(components): implement app header & daemons' list
f866004 fix(scaffold): add convenience script for build+start, update app title (hacky AF)
3dc5230 feat(frontend): integrate buefy and setup electron IPC
6ee4768 feat(frontend): integrate vue with automation scripts and configs
9c0dd4e feat(process): fetch and struct systemd-analyze data
4c31249 chore(app): scaffold basic electron app
9501203 Initial commit