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GuillaumeSalhaGalvan authored Sep 30, 2020
1 parent b35d3b3 commit a9b1aea
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from functools import reduce
from scipy.special import expit
import numpy as np

# This class uses user and playlist features datasets to simulate users responses to a list of recommendations
class ContextualEnvironment():
def __init__(self, user_features, playlist_features, user_segment, n_recos):
self.user_features = user_features
self.playlist_features = playlist_features
self.user_segment = user_segment
self.n_recos = n_recos
self.th_segment_rewards = np.zeros(user_features.shape[0])
self.th_rewards = np.zeros(user_features.shape[0])

# Computes expected reward for each user given their recommendations
def compute_theoretical_rewards(self, batch_user_ids, batch_recos):
batch_user_features = np.take(self.user_features, batch_user_ids, axis = 0)
batch_playlist_features = np.take(self.playlist_features, batch_recos, axis = 0)
n_users = len(batch_user_ids)
th_reward = np.zeros(n_users)
for i in range(n_users):
probas = expit(batch_user_features[i].dot(batch_playlist_features[i].T))
th_reward[i] = 1 - reduce(lambda x,y : x * y, 1 - probas)
return th_reward

# Computes list of n recommendations with highest expected reward for each user
def compute_optimal_recos(self, batch_user_ids, n):
batch_user_features = np.take(self.user_features, batch_user_ids, axis = 0)
n_users = len(batch_user_ids)
probas =
optim = np.argsort(-probas)[:, :n]
return optim

# Computes highest expected reward for each user
def compute_optimal_theoretical_rewards(self):
n_users = self.user_features.shape[0]
u = 0
step = 100000
while u < n_users:
users_ids = range(u, min(n_users, u + step))
opt_recos = self.compute_optimal_recos(users_ids, self.n_recos)
opt_rewards = self.compute_theoretical_rewards(users_ids, opt_recos)
self.th_rewards[u:min(n_users, u + step)] = opt_rewards
u += step

# Computes list of n recommendations with highest expected reward for each segment
def compute_segment_optimal_recos(self, n):
n_segments = len(np.unique(self.user_segment))
segment_recos = np.zeros((n_segments, n), dtype = np.int64)
for i in range(n_segments):
mean_probas = np.mean(expit(np.take(self.user_features, np.where(self.user_segment == i)[0], axis = 0).dot(self.playlist_features.T)), axis = 0)
reward = 1 - reduce(lambda x,y : x * y, 1 + np.sort(-mean_probas)[:n])
segment_recos[i] = np.argsort(-mean_probas)[:n]
return segment_recos

# Computes highest expected reward for each segment
def compute_segment_optimal_theoretical_rewards(self):
n_users = self.user_features.shape[0]
u = 0
step = 100000
segment_recos = self.compute_segment_optimal_recos(self.n_recos)
while u < n_users:
users_ids = range(u, min(n_users, u+ step))
user_segment = np.take(self.user_segment, users_ids)
opt_recos = np.take(segment_recos, user_segment, axis = 0)
opt_rewards = self.compute_theoretical_rewards(users_ids, opt_recos)
self.th_segment_rewards[u:min(n_users, u+ step)] = opt_rewards
u += step

# Given a list of users and their respective list of recos (each of size self.n_recos), computes
# corresponding simulated reward
def simulate_batch_users_reward(self, batch_user_ids, batch_recos):

# First, compute probability of streaming each reco and draw rewards accordingly
batch_user_features = np.take(self.user_features, batch_user_ids, axis = 0)
batch_playlist_features = np.take(self.playlist_features, batch_recos, axis = 0)
n_users = len(batch_user_ids)
n = len(batch_recos[0])
probas = np.zeros((n_users, n))
for i in range(n_users):
probas[i] = expit(batch_user_features[i].dot(batch_playlist_features[i].T)) # probability to stream each reco
rewards = np.zeros((n_users, n))
i = 0
rewards_uncascaded = np.random.binomial(1, probas) # drawing rewards from probabilities
positive_rewards = set()

# Then, for each user, positive rewards after the first one are set to 0 (and playlists as "unseen" subsequently)
# to imitate a cascading browsing behavior
# (nonetheless, users can be drawn several times in the batch of a same round ; therefore, each user
# can have several positive rewards - i.e. stream several playlists - in a same round, consistently with
# the multiple-plays framework from the paper)
nz = rewards_uncascaded.nonzero()
for i in range(len(nz[0])):
if nz[0][i] not in positive_rewards:
rewards[nz[0][i]][nz[1][i]] = 1
return rewards
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from environment import ContextualEnvironment
from policies import KLUCBSegmentPolicy, RandomPolicy, ExploreThenCommitSegmentPolicy, EpsilonGreedySegmentPolicy, TSSegmentPolicy, LinearTSPolicy
import argparse
import json
import logging
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import time

# List of implemented policies
def set_policies(policies_name, user_segment, user_features, n_playlists):
# Please see section 3.3 of RecSys paper for a description of policies
'random' : RandomPolicy(n_playlists),
'etc-seg-explore' : ExploreThenCommitSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, min_n = 100, cascade_model = True),
'etc-seg-exploit' : ExploreThenCommitSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, min_n = 20, cascade_model = True),
'epsilon-greedy-explore' : EpsilonGreedySegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, epsilon = 0.1, cascade_model = True),
'epsilon-greedy-exploit' : EpsilonGreedySegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, epsilon = 0.01, cascade_model = True),
'kl-ucb-seg' : KLUCBSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, cascade_model = True),
'ts-seg-naive' : TSSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, alpha_zero = 1, beta_zero = 1, cascade_model = True),
'ts-seg-pessimistic' : TSSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, alpha_zero = 1, beta_zero = 99, cascade_model = True),
'ts-lin-naive' : LinearTSPolicy(user_features, n_playlists, bias = 0.0, cascade_model = True),
'ts-lin-pessimistic' : LinearTSPolicy(user_features, n_playlists, bias = -5.0, cascade_model = True),
# Versions of epsilon-greedy-explore and ts-seg-pessimistic WITHOUT cascade model
'epsilon-greedy-explore-no-cascade' : EpsilonGreedySegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, epsilon = 0.1, cascade_model = False),
'ts-seg-pessimistic-no-cascade' : TSSegmentPolicy(user_segment, n_playlists, alpha_zero = 1, beta_zero = 99, cascade_model = False)

return [POLICIES_SETTINGS[name] for name in policies_name]

if __name__ == "__main__":

# Arguments

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--users_path", type = str, default = "data/user_features.csv", required = False,
help = "Path to user features file")
parser.add_argument("--playlists_path", type = str, default = "data/playlist_features.csv", required = False,
help = "Path to playlist features file")
parser.add_argument("--output_path", type = str, default = "results.json", required = False,
help = "Path to json file to save regret values")
parser.add_argument("--policies", type = str, default = "random,ts-seg-naive", required = False,
help = "Bandit algorithms to evaluate, separated by commas")
parser.add_argument("--n_recos", type = int, default = 12, required = False,
help = "Number of slots L in the carousel i.e. number of recommendations to provide")
parser.add_argument("--l_init", type = int, default = 3, required = False,
help = "Number of slots L_init initially visible in the carousel")
parser.add_argument("--n_users_per_round", type = int, default = 20000, required = False,
help = "Number of users randomly selected (with replacement) per round")
parser.add_argument("--n_rounds", type = int, default = 100, required = False,
help = "Number of simulated rounds")
parser.add_argument("--print_every", type = int, default = 10, required = False,
help = "Print cumulative regrets every 'print_every' round")

args = parser.parse_args()

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.INFO)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

if args.l_init > args.n_recos:
raise ValueError('l_init is larger than n_recos')

# Data Loading and Preprocessing steps"LOADING DATA")"Loading playlist data")
playlists_df = pd.read_csv(args.playlists_path)"Loading user data\n \n")
users_df = pd.read_csv(args.users_path)

n_users = len(users_df)
n_playlists = len(playlists_df)
n_recos = args.n_recos
print_every = args.print_every

user_features = np.array(users_df.drop(["segment"], axis = 1))
user_features = np.concatenate([user_features, np.ones((n_users,1))], axis = 1)
playlist_features = np.array(playlists_df)

user_segment = np.array(users_df.segment)"SETTING UP SIMULATION ENVIRONMENT")"for %d users, %d playlists, %d recommendations per carousel \n \n" % (n_users, n_playlists, n_recos))

cont_env = ContextualEnvironment(user_features, playlist_features, user_segment, n_recos)"SETTING UP POLICIES")"Policies to evaluate: %s \n \n" % (args.policies))

policies_name = args.policies.split(",")
policies = set_policies(policies_name, user_segment, user_features, n_playlists)
n_policies = len(policies)
n_users_per_round = args.n_users_per_round
n_rounds = args.n_rounds
overall_rewards = np.zeros((n_policies, n_rounds))
overall_optimal_reward = np.zeros(n_rounds)

# Simulations for Top-n_recos carousel-based playlist recommendations"STARTING SIMULATIONS")"for %d rounds, with %d users per round (randomly drawn with replacement)\n \n" % (n_rounds, n_users_per_round))
start_time = time.time()
for i in range(n_rounds):
# Select batch of n_users_per_round users
user_ids = np.random.choice(range(n_users), n_users_per_round)
overall_optimal_reward[i] = np.take(cont_env.th_rewards, user_ids).sum()
# Iterate over all policies
for j in range(n_policies):
# Compute n_recos recommendations
recos = policies[j].recommend_to_users_batch(user_ids, args.n_recos, args.l_init)
# Compute rewards
rewards = cont_env.simulate_batch_users_reward(batch_user_ids= user_ids, batch_recos=recos)
# Update policy based on rewards
policies[j].update_policy(user_ids, recos, rewards, args.l_init)
overall_rewards[j,i] = rewards.sum()
# Print info
if i == 0 or (i+1) % print_every == 0 or i+1 == n_rounds:"Round: %d/%d. Elapsed time: %f sec." % (i+1, n_rounds, time.time() - start_time))"Cumulative regrets: \n%s \n" % "\n".join([" %s : %s" % (policies_name[j], str(np.sum(overall_optimal_reward - overall_rewards[j]))) for j in range(n_policies)]))

# Save results"Saving cumulative regrets in %s" % args.output_path)
cumulative_regrets = {policies_name[j] : list(np.cumsum(overall_optimal_reward - overall_rewards[j])) for j in range(n_policies)}
with open(args.output_path, 'w') as fp:
json.dump(cumulative_regrets, fp)
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from scipy.optimize import minimize
import numpy as np

# Disclaimer: this class is taken from:

# Defining a class for Online Bayesian Logistic Regression
class OnlineLogisticRegression:

# Initializing
def __init__(self, lambda_, alpha, n_dim, bias, maxiter = 15):

# Hyperparameter: deviation on the prior (L2 regularizer)
self.lambda_ = lambda_; self.alpha = alpha; self.maxiter = maxiter

# Initializing parameters of the model
self.n_dim = n_dim
# m: mean of the Bi, q inverse variance of the distribution
self.m = np.zeros(self.n_dim)
self.m[-1] = bias
self.q = np.ones(self.n_dim) * self.lambda_

# Initializing weights
self.w = np.random.normal(self.m, self.alpha * (self.q)**(-1.0), size = self.n_dim)

# Loss function
def loss(self, w, *args):
X, y = args
# Note: the bias is removed from the "regularization term" of the loss
return 0.5 * (self.q[:-1] * (w[:-1] - self.m[:-1])).dot(w[:-1] - self.m[:-1]) + np.sum([np.log(1 + np.exp(-y[j] *[j]))) for j in range(y.shape[0])])

# Gradient
def grad(self, w, *args):
X, y = args
return np.concatenate((self.q[:-1] * (w[:-1] - self.m[:-1]),0.0),axis = None) + (-1) * np.array([y[j] * X[j] / (1. + np.exp(y[j] *[j]))) for j in range(y.shape[0])]).sum(axis = 0)

# Fitting method
def fit(self, X, y):

# Step 1, find w
self.w = minimize(self.loss, self.w, args = (X, y), jac = self.grad, method = "L-BFGS-B", options = {'maxiter': self.maxiter}).x
self.m = self.w

# Step 2, update q
P = (1 + np.exp(1 - ** (-1)
self.q = self.q + (P*(1-P)).dot(X ** 2)
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import argparse
import json
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import seaborn as sns

# Plots the evolution of expected cumulative regrets curves,
# for all tested policies and over all rounds
if __name__ == "__main__":

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
parser.add_argument("--data_path", type=str, default="results.json", required=False,
help="path to data")

args = parser.parse_args()

with open(args.data_path, 'r') as fp:
cumulative_regrets = json.load(fp)

for k,v in cumulative_regrets.items():
sns.lineplot(data = np.array(v), label=k)
plt.ylabel("Cumulative Regret")

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