COMP5300 - Computing for Health and Medicine Course Project
Spring 2022
Team Members: Mustapha Ayad, Krestina Beshara, Dalton Grady, Bibi Hajira Mahammada, Prism Prajapati
Task - To predict the presence or absence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) using the patient examination results. Using five different models
- Logistic Regression
- Naive Bayes Bernoulli
- K-Nearest Neighbor
- Random Forest
- Neural Network
Credits for Dataset : Svetlana Ulianova
Credits for Code : RobinReni
In order to compile and run the code, make sure the cardio_train.csv is downloaded in a 'data' directory as the code. When running the Neural Network model, create a directory within your working directory named 'logs' so that the Neural Network model will output its logs to that folder. To run the rest of the notebook, just run each cell individually or all at once.