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User roles

parryc edited this page May 6, 2013 · 5 revisions

This page contains some informal "user stories" describing different application users, their goals, and the sorts of things they're likely to want to do with the application. This should serve as a guide to UI and user documentation development.


A supervisor is a PI who is using the application to gather data to address a research question. This involves:

  • defining targets
  • collecting data
  • setting up annotation tasks (features)
  • assigning features to targets
  • supervising the annotators who carry out annotation tasks
  • exporting the annotated data

Supervisors will also manage annotators, and so will need to be able to create, edit, and remove user accounts. Supervisors will ideally be able to monitor the annotators' progress through the application interface.

creating features (1.0.1)

A supervisor wants to create a feature. She logs in and clicks the "features" menu bar item. She sees a screen listing the features that have already been created, and scans through them to see if she can use any of them instead of creating a new feature. She sees one that may work and clicks on it, bringing up that feature's information screen. She reads details about the feature, including its instructions, possible values, and targets that use the feature. She decides it isn't appropriate for her purposes, and clicks a link to return to the feature index screen.

She clicks a link to create a new feature. A screen appears with fields for creating the new feature. The page contains some prominent "help" information that explains, for each field in the form, what its purpose is and (if applicable) what its values mean.

She types in a feature name, and when she navigates the cursor away from that field a message appears informing her that another feature exists with that name and she should choose another. She changes the feature name to be unique. She adds instructions to the feature for annotators, so that they know how to value the feature for individual hits. She selects the feature type, referring to the help information to make sure she understands what each type means. She fills two possible values for the feature, and then clicks the button to add more possible values fields. She fills in the third possible value.

Finally, she selects the targets that she would like to associate this feature with. Since some of the targets have the same phrase, she inspects some of them in more detail to make sure she's selected the right ones. She then clicks the "save" button for the feature. She is redirected to the feature index page, and a flash message appears confirming that the feature she created has been saved.

updating features (1.0.1)

A supervisor wants to update the instructions of a feature she created. She logs in and clicks the "features" menu bar item. She sees a screen listing the features that have been created. All and only those features that she herself created have an "edit" link on them. She finds the feature she wants to edit and clicks its edit link.

When she clicks the edit link, it sends her to the edit page, where a box pops up reminding her that this feature has already been assigned to targets. The box contains a list of the targets that the feature has been assigned to, and for each one it indicates how many of the hits for that target have already been processed and how many remain to be processed. She has the option to confirm that she wants to edit this feature or cancel this action, which would return her to the index page. She chooses to confirm, and is taken to the feature edit screen.

On the feature edit screen, she updates the instructions for the feature and clicks the "save" button. She is returned to the feature index page, and a flash message appears confirming that her edits to the feature have been saved.

assigning features to targets via the features interface (1.0.1)

A supervisor wants to assign an already-created feature to already-created targets. She logs in and clicks the "features" menu bar item. She sees a screen listing the features that have been created. Each row in the list contains a feature name, the name of the feature's creator, the number of targets that feature is assigned to, and the first few words of the instructions for that feature. She clicks on the name of one of the features, and is taken to that feature's information (feature@show) page.

On that information page, she sees a fuller description of the feature, including a listing of the targets that this feature is assigned to. Because she is not the creator of this feature, she does not see an edit link. She does see a link near the targets list that allows her to add targets for this feature. She clicks it, and that opens an interface for adding and removing targets from this feature. She sees all available targets, but is able to add or remove only those targets that she has created. There is also an option to filter the lists so that she sees only her own targets.

She adds two of her own targets to this feature, and clicks the "save" button. The interface for adding and removing targets closes, she remains on the feature's information (feature#show) page, and a flash message appears confirming that her edits to the feature have been saved.

assigning features to targets via the target interface (1.0.1)

A supervisor wants to assign already-created features to an already-created target. She logs in and clicks the "targets" menu bar item. She sees a screen listing the targets that have been created. Each row of the list shows a target id, target phrase, the name or id of the target's creator, and information about the number of confirmed, unconfirmed, not present, and flagged hits. She clicks on the id or the phrase for one of the targets, and is taken to that target's information (target#show) page.

On that information page, she sees a summary of that target's status, a list of the features that have been assigned to that target, and a paginated list of the hits for that target. For each item in the features list, she sees the feature's name, the number of targets it has been assigned to, and the number of hits of this target that have and don't have a value for the feature. Because she is the owner of this target, she sees an "add/remove feature" button. She clicks this button, which opens an interface in which she can add and remove features from this target. She adds two features to the target and removes one that had been assigned. She clicks the "save" button. Because some of the hits of this target had values for the feature she removed, she sees a confirmation box asking her to confirm that she intended to remove the feature from the target. She confirms this choice.

The interface for adding and removing features closes, and she remains on the target's information (target#show) page. A flash message appears confirming that her edits to the target have been saved.


An annotator carries out annotation tasks, which may involve filtering hits, transcribing small bits of audio surrounding the hits, and valuing features. The leading goal of the application is to make the annotator as efficient as possible in carrying out annotation tasks.

Filtering and annotating hits (1.0.1)

An annotator wants to filter and annotate hits for a specific target. He logs in and clicks the "targets" menu bar item. He scrolls through the list of targets to find the target that he will annotate. He sees a summary of the number of hits that target contains, and the number of those hits that are confirmed, unconfirmed, not present, and flagged. He clicks on the "unconfirmed" number, which takes him to the annotation screen (hit#edit) for the first unconfirmed hit of this target.

The annotation screen is an elegant display of all of the information and controls the annotator needs to filter and annotate hits.

the target phrase a simple and intuitive audio player simple buttons to set the status of the hit (conf/unconf/np/dupe) a simple way to flag the hit

features notes


A visitor is someone who is not a part of the project, who visits the webpage for information about the project.