is a Python database interface for eXist-db.
It supports basic CRUD operations and uses delb for representing the yielded resources.
pip install snakesist
allows you to access individual documents from the database using a delb.Document
object, either by simply passing a URL
>>> from delb import Document
>>> manifest = Document("existdb://admin:@localhost:8080/exist/db/manifestos/dada_manifest.xml")
>>> [header.full_text for header in manifest.xpath("//head")]
["Hugo Ball", "Das erste dadaistische Manifest"]
or by passing a relative path to the document along with a database client which you can subsequently reuse
>>> from snakesist import ExistClient
>>> my_local_db = ExistClient(host="localhost", port=8080, user="admin", password="", root_collection="/db/manifests")
>>> dada_manifest = Document("dada_manifest.xml", existdb_client=my_local_db)
>>> [header.full_text for header in dada_manifest.xpath("//head")]
["Hugo Ball", "Das erste dadaistische Manifest"]
>>> communist_manifest = Document("communist_manifest.xml", existdb_client=my_local_db)
>>> communist_manifest.xpath("//head").first.full_text
"Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei"
and not only for accessing individual documents, but also for querying data across multiple documents
>>> all_headers = my_local_db.xpath("//*:head")
>>> [header.node.full_text for header in all_headers]
["Hugo Ball", "Das erste dadaistische Manifest", "Manifest der Kommunistischen Partei", "I. Bourgeois und Proletarier.", "II. Proletarier und Kommunisten", "III. Sozialistische und kommunistische Literatur", "IV. Stellung der Kommunisten zu den verschiedenen oppositionellen Parteien"]
You can of course also modify and store documents back into the database or create new ones and store them.
leverages the
eXist RESTful API
for database queries. This means that allowing database queries using
POST requests on the RESTful API is a requirement in the used eXist-db
backend. eXist allows this by default, so if you haven't configured your
instance otherwise, don't worry about it.
We aim to directly support all most recent releases from each major branch.
Yet, there's no guarantee that releases older than two years will be kept as a
target for tests. Pleaser refer to the values
in the pyproject.toml for
what's currently considered.