Accepted for implementation / fixing
Waiting for someone else to respond
This is a comment or question only. It is not an issue.
Work has been completed on this issue and changes have been committed to `develop` branch..
Issue under consideration. May be accepted or rejected
Issue affects CodeSnip Cupola LE, not the main CodeSnip program
Won't be implemented until a later major version.
Issue relating to documentation, including help file
Issue duplicates another issue
Request for a new feature
Baffled & need assistance. On hold until help is forthcoming.
Issue concerns meta data, such as Git or Github configuration and has no effect on the executable co
Investigation required to confirm problem
Don't include this issue on change log
It's not a bug, it's a feature!
This issue requires refactoring only, not a change in functionality
Work has started on this issue.
An update to the user interface
Issue affects CodeSnip Vault, not the main CodeSnip program
Issue relates to 3rd party / vendor code, including code from other delphidabbler projects
Either don't know how to fix or not prepared to fix