v3.2.0 addresses a bug related to derived key spending limits for Create Post association transactions as well as adds validations when creating spending limits for associations. v3.2.0 also exposes a getter method for the isDeleted field on BalanceEntry and FollowEntry.
Fork Preparation Checklist
In order to upgrade your node to be compatible with this new version, please complete all steps of the checklist below.
- Reboot your node with the most recent stable release image from docker before 5pm PT Wednesday, March 8th, 2023
Auto-generated Release Notes
What's Changed
- Fix legacy postgres CI. by @mattfoley8 in #474
- Expose IsDeleted on BalanceEntry and FollowEntry for backend filtering by @lazynina in #475
- Associations spending limits improvements. by @mattfoley8 in #480
Full Changelog: v3.1.2...v3.2.0