The v4.0.4 release is a minor non-forking upgrade. The v4.0.4 release upgrades the go version to 1.23 and includes a variety of performance enhancements list below.
What's Changed
- set badger logging level to warning by @lazynina in #1402
- Ln/badger logging level to warning by @lazynina in #1403
- introduce concurrent map for managing block hash to block node index by @lazynina in #1405
- if snapshot initialization error is a checksum issue, ignore if force… by @lazynina in #1406
- just get tip node from block index by hash instead of copying entire block index by @lazynina in #1407
- Supporting CreateNewCoin for Focus by @diamondhands0 in #1404
- check for no-op in update global params in pos mempool, update datadog dependencies by @lazynina in #1410
- if forceChecksum is false, set disableChecksum to true. skip add or r… by @lazynina in #1419
- upgrade all deps and go version to 1.23 by @lazynina in #1417
- make GetUtxoViewAndUtxoOpsAtBlockHash public by @lazynina in #1422
- free operation queue semaphore in process snapshot chunk and when hitting error in handleSnapshot that prevents us from calling process snapshot chunk by @lazynina in #1420
- Fix txn json serialization by @diamondhands0 in #1425
- free known inventory of peer on disconnect by @lazynina in #1427
- replace decred w/ hashicorp lru. only call purge when disconnecting by @lazynina in #1428
- exit early in OpenTempDBAndDumpTxns if on PoS by @lazynina in #1429
- Ln/downgrade badger by @lazynina in #1430
- acquire chain lock where applicable by @lazynina in #1431
- Add Focus to nodes by @superzordon in #1433
- add prefix key to Get All Locked Balance Entries for Hodler PKID by @lazynina in #1440
- Skip UpdateAfterDisconnectBlock for pos blocks by @diamondhands0 in #1441
Full Changelog: v4.0.3...v4.0.4