High Five is an online platform for hackathons where you can Participate or conduct a hackathon. We’ll build your hackathons everywhere in the world to help you find innovative solutions and talent while showcasing your ideas. At High Five, Judges can directly connect with particpants through video call where participants can explain their projects by sharing on thier screen. It is a Two Screen platform in which one screen is of students and other screen is of Hackathon Organizer. Event will be fruitful only if both the particpants and judges are at comfort.
• Signup
• Login
• You can Create Hackathon as an organizer
• You can Attend Hackathon as a Student
• You can Manage Hackathon as an organizer
• You can Check Upcoming Hackathon as a student
• Unlimited number of meetings
• Video and audio preview screen
• Controls for meeting hosts
• Screen sharing with participants
• Messaging with participants
• High Five can auto-scale tables as your participant count increases , without a drop in quality.
• First, the user needs to sign up to High Five. If the user already has an account then they need to log in.
• The navbar contains organize a hackathon, upcoming events, contact us, login & sign up.
• Whoever wants to organize a hackathon, needs to submit their details.
• At upcoming events, users can participate in various hackathons.
• Users can also create meetings in which they can send messages, share their screens & can also visit other tables.
• If a user wants to join other members in a meeting he/she can enter with the meeting link/code.
• For any inquiries, entrepreneurs, developers, designers and visionaries, get in touch with us any time. We would love to hear your ideas and/or proposals, that's what we live for!
Adobe XD
Adobe Illustrator
UI/UX: High Five
Video link: High Five