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feat: start a Rust library for querying CNS #193

feat: start a Rust library for querying CNS

feat: start a Rust library for querying CNS #193

Workflow file for this run

name: 'Code tests'
- opened
- edited
- reopened
- synchronize
- labeled
types: [checks_requested]
- main
# When getting Rust dependencies, retry on network error:
# Use the local .curlrc
name: 'rust-tests:required'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: 'Checkout'
uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: 'Test cargo crates'
run: cargo test
- name: Setup DFX
uses: dfinity/setup-dfx@main
dfx-version: 'auto'
- name: Install PocketIC server
uses: dfinity/pocketic@main
pocket-ic-server-version: "7.0.0"

Check failure on line 42 in .github/workflows/tests.yaml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/tests.yaml

Invalid workflow file

You have an error in your yaml syntax on line 42
- name: Confirm successful installation
run: "${POCKET_IC_BIN}" --version
- name: Build Cargo crates
run: cargo build --release
- name: Build canisters
run: dfx build --check
- name: Test Cargo crates
run: POCKET_IC_BIN=$(pwd)/pocket-ic cargo test --all-features
name: 'motoko-tests:required'
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: 'Checkout code'
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Setup DFX
uses: dfinity/setup-dfx@main
dfx-version: 'auto'
- name: 'Start DFX'
run: dfx start --background
- name: 'Test cns_root canister'
# NOTE: The functionality of cns_root depends on whether the caller is a controller or not,
# so we proceed in two steps. Initially the test canister (i.e. cns_root) is not a controller,
# so we test the behaviour for non-controller callers. Afterwards we make the test canister
# a controller of cns_root, and test the behaviour for controller callers.
run: |
dfx deploy --no-wallet cns_root_test
echo "Calling runTestsIfNotController on canister cns_root_test ..."
dfx canister call cns_root_test runTestsIfNotController "()"
echo "Adding cns_root_test-canister as a controller of cns_root-canister..."
dfx canister update-settings cns_root --add-controller `dfx canister id cns_root_test`
echo "Calling runTests on canister cns_root_test..."
dfx canister call cns_root_test runTests "()"
- name: 'Test tld_operator canister'
# NOTE: The functionality of tld_operator depends on whehter the caller is a controller or not,
# so we proceed in two steps. Initially the test canister (i.e. tld_operator_test) is not a controller,
# so we test the behaviour for non-controller callers. Afterwards we make the test canister
# a controller of tld_operator, and test the behaviour for controller callers.
run: |
dfx deploy --no-wallet tld_operator_test
echo "Calling runTestsIfNotController on canister tld_operator_test ..."
dfx canister call tld_operator_test runTestsIfNotController "()"
echo "Adding tld_operator_test-canister as a controller of tld_operator-canister..."
dfx canister update-settings tld_operator --add-controller `dfx canister id tld_operator_test`
echo "Calling runTests on canister tld_operator_test..."
dfx canister call tld_operator_test runTests "()"
- name: 'Stop DFX'
run: dfx stop